wolfgang rathgeber - ex tv journalist/author- watchtv.de is not responsible for contents of linked websites - watchtv.de is not commercial email: wr(at)watchtv.de
Montag, Januar 04, 2021
captain futura: Liste von 200+x Onlineshops, die nicht Amazon sind
hier eine Sammlung von Links zu guten Online-Shops, die nicht Amazon
sind und die man gebrauchen kann. Damit es nach der Corona-Krise noch
Alternativen und kleine Läden gibt und nicht alle pleite sind. Die Liste
wird mit EURER HILFE ganz. Also schickt mir Links! Ich nehme auf was
ich kann. Und schickt mir möglichst auch KLEINE und UMWELTBEWUßTE Shops! mehr...
welt.de: China soll Kopfgeld auf US-Soldaten ausgesetzt haben
Samstag, Januar 02, 2021
Freitag, Januar 01, 2021
Mittwoch, Dezember 30, 2020
Dienstag, Dezember 29, 2020
stern: Kaution von 28,5 Millionen Dollar abgelehnt: Ghislaine Maxwell bleibt in Haft
zeit.de: Mindestens sechs Tote durch Erdbeben in Kroatien
Montag, Dezember 28, 2020
Sciencefic American: Alien Hunters Discover Mysterious Signal from Proxima Centauri
heise: Alien-Suche: SETI-Forscher untersuchen mysteriöses Signal von Proxima Centauri
Sonntag, Dezember 27, 2020
ntv: Ermittler in Nashville haben eine Spur
Die US-Bundespolizei wartet auf das Ergebnis eines
DNA-Abgleichs. Nach Informationen des Senders CNN könnte sich ein
63-Jähriger in dem explodierten Wohnmobil in Nashville befunden haben.
Offiziell wird der Mann nicht als Verdächtiger geführt. mehr...
welt.de: Tritte gegen Kopf und Körper – 16-Jährige misshandelt behinderten Obdachlosen
Donnerstag, Dezember 24, 2020
Mittwoch, Dezember 23, 2020
Dienstag, Dezember 22, 2020
Sonntag, Dezember 20, 2020
Samstag, Dezember 19, 2020
Daily Mail: This is the worst moment of the pandemic', says SAGE expert as it's revealed new 'Super-Covid' strain is 70% MORE infectious and makes up 60% of new cases in London
A SAGE expert has called the emergence of a new mutant strain of coronavirus that has forced the cancellations of Christmas as the 'worst moment of the pandemic' - as it was revealed the variant is 70 per cent more infectious than others.
British epidemiologist John Edmunds said today that as far as he's concerned 'this is the worst moment of the epidemic because of the extraordinary infectivity of the new strain' of Covid-19.
Speaking at an emergency press conference this afternoon, Robert Peston from ITV News questioned Boris Johnson, Professor Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance about the statement. more...
guardian: Coronavirus live news: Boris Johnson announces new tier 4 and tightens Christmas rules; Scotland announces travel ban with rest of UK
People who need to travel for education or childcare will be exempt and exercise will be unlimited. Where people cannot work from home, they are still able to travel to work.
Under the measures, households will not be allowed to mix, but one person will be allowed to meet with one other person outside in a public space. Support bubbles and those meeting for childcare will be exempt.
Those who are deemed clinically extremely vulnerable should not go to work and should limit time outside of their homes.
Tier 4 residents must not stay overnight away from home and cannot travel abroad. People in all tiers are advised to stay local, and “think carefully” about whether they need to travel abroad. more...
Freitag, Dezember 18, 2020
t-online: General Flynn: Trump kann Militär gegen Biden-Sieg einsetzen
Im Ringen um die US-Wahl hat Trumps früherer nationaler Sicherheitsberater, Michael Flynn, den US-Präsidenten aufgefordert, das Kriegsrecht auszurufen. Damit solle ein Biden-Sieg verhindert werden. mehr...
Mittwoch, Dezember 16, 2020
Dienstag, Dezember 15, 2020
daily mail: DOUGLAS MURRAY: Authoritarian. Unyielding. Merkel gets it so wrong because her arrogance is boundless
Most of us have been in no doubt over who is to blame for the obstacles and burning barricades blocking our route to a viable trade deal. Emmanuel Macron, the sharp-suited, sharp-nosed President of France, has been in the vanguard of those wanting to punish Britain for daring to leave. Desperate to preserve the advantages enjoyed by French fishermen. Desperate to be the saviour of the whole European project. more...
Montag, Dezember 14, 2020
ntv: Desaströser Covid-Bericht - Haben WHO und Italien etwas verschwiegen?
guardian: WHO accused of conspiring with Italy to remove damning Covid report
Freitag, Dezember 11, 2020
FAZ: Acht Jahre Haft für früheren Finanzminister Österreichs
Donnerstag, Dezember 10, 2020
News4 Jax: Nearly 200 arrested in Florida human trafficking investigation
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – An investigation into human trafficking over the past two years has led to the arrests of nearly 200 people on criminal charges ranging from solicitation of prostitution to human trafficking of a minor, the Tallahassee Police Department announced Tuesday.
“This investigation is a testament to how diligent our investigators work to enhance the quality of life for everyone in this community, especially our vulnerable population,” Tallahassee Chief of Police Lawrence Revell said. “They worked tirelessly to bring justice to the victim in this case and were able to make an unprecedented number of human trafficking related arrests.” more...
Mittwoch, Dezember 09, 2020
spiegel: Statt Geld kommt eine Anzeige
Samstag, Dezember 05, 2020
nzz: Im Rennen um den Quantencomputer machen Startups IBM, Google und Co. Beine
Freitag, Dezember 04, 2020
sueddeutsche: Angestellte überwachen? Microsoft macht's möglich
Donnerstag, Dezember 03, 2020
nature: Reversal of biological clock restores vision in old mice
Researchers have restored vision in old mice and in mice with damaged retinal nerves by resetting some of the thousands of chemical marks that accumulate on DNA as cells age. The work, published on 2 December in Nature1, suggests a new approach to reversing age-related decline, by reprogramming some cells to a ‘younger’ state in which they are better able to repair or replace damaged tissue. more...