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Posts mit dem Label Sony werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Sony werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Montag, Mai 09, 2011
Kyodo News: Sony confirms personal info on 24.6 mil. online game accounts stolen
Sony Corp. has confirmed that personal information related to 24.6 million accounts of its U.S.-based online game service for personal computer users was stolen during a recent data breach, officials of Sony's game unit said Monday. [more...]
Freitag, Mai 06, 2011
Finnwatch, Sacom,Somo: Playing with Labour Rigths
Th is report is published as part of the makeITfair campaign, a Europe-wide project on consumer
electronics. MakeITfair aims to inform young consumers about human rights, as well as social and
environmental issues along the supply chain. It also addresses consumer electronics companies that
can contribute to change. [more...]
electronics. MakeITfair aims to inform young consumers about human rights, as well as social and
environmental issues along the supply chain. It also addresses consumer electronics companies that
can contribute to change. [more...]
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