ISTANBUL — On the day that Armenians from around the world came here to commemorate the killing and forced expulsion of their ancestors by the Ottoman Turks a century ago, Turkish officials chose to focus on a different centennial, that of their country’s most important military victory.The dueling commemorations Friday illustrated the enmity between [more...] is not responsible for links and contents on this website. is not commercial. Email:
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Samstag, April 25, 2015
spiegel online: Türkei: Tausende gedenken in Istanbul des Völkermords an den Armeniern
Auch in der Türkei wurde des Völkermordes an den Armeniern vor 100 Jahren gedacht: In der Istanbuler Innenstadt kamen Tausende Demonstranten zusammen. Die Polizei hielt sich zurück. [mehr...]
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