Shia men from Afghanistan are coaxed into war to support Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, Guardian investigation reveals [more...] is not responsible for links and contents on this website. is not commercial. Email:
Posts mit dem Label Assad werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Assad werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Donnerstag, Juni 30, 2016
Donnerstag, September 05, 2013
new york times: Divided Senate Panel Approves Resolution on Syria Strike
A divided Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday approved an authorization of force against the Syrian government, setting up a showdown next week in the full Senate on whether President Obama should have the authority to strike. [more...]
Mittwoch, September 04, 2013
new york times: House Speaker Backs Obama’s Call for Strike Against Syria
Speaker John A. Boehner said on Tuesday that he would “support the president’s call to action” in Syria after meeting with President Obama, giving the president a crucial ally in the quest for votes in the House. [more...]
Freitag, Juli 13, 2012
sueddeutsche: Assad-Gegner berichten von brutalem Massaker
Sie kamen mit Panzern und Messern: Syrische Regierungstruppen haben nach Angaben von Aufständischen in der Provinz Hama ein Blutbad angerichtet. Die in London ansässige Beobachtungsstelle spricht bereits vom schlimmsten Massaker seit Beginn des Aufstands. [mehr...]
Donnerstag, März 15, 2012
guardian: Assad Emails: the documents
A cache of emails obtained by the Guardian shows the private correspondence of Syria's president Bashar al-Assad and his wife Asma, throwing light on their preoccupations as the country slides into civil war. [more...]
Spiegel Online: Gehackter Diktatoren-Account: Tausende private Mails stellen Assad-Familie bloß
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