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Posts mit dem Label US werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Dienstag, Januar 04, 2022

Insider Paper: US authorizes Pfizer booster for kids as young as 12

US health authorities on Monday approved Pfizer’s Covid-19 booster shot for children as young as 12, and reduced the wait time between initial vaccination and an extra dose from six months to five, for all ages.

The decision by the Food and Drug Administration comes as the pandemic, driven by the highly transmissible Omicron variant, flares up and as schoolchildren return by the millions to class following the holiday break.

The FDA also approved a booster dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine for immunocompromised children between the ages of five and 11, including for example individuals who have received an organ transplant.

The agency said it relied in particular on data from Israel, where thousands of children age 12 to 15 have already received the booster dose. more...

Sonntag, Juni 14, 2020

Donnerstag, Januar 24, 2019 China liquidiert US-Staatsanleihen – und treibt den Goldpreis nach oben

Der Handelskonflikt mit den USA schwelt weiter. Da zeigt Peking, dass es durchaus auch Druckmittel hat, und verringert den Bestand seiner US-Staatsanleihen. Das kommt für die Amerikaner zur Unzeit – doch auch China geht ins Risiko. [mehr]

Dienstag, August 28, 2018

National Post: Police charge 16-year-old boy after German tourist shot in head on Alberta highway

RCMP say the youth, who is from Stoney Nakoda First Nation but can't be named, is facing 14 criminal charges, including attempted murder [more...]

Mittwoch, September 28, 2016

the guardian: 'We shouldn't have to feel like this': Girl, nine, gives tearful speech in Charlotte

A nine-year-old Charlotte girl’s tearful speech about how African Americans are “treated differently than other people” has gone viral as protests about police brutality continue to ignite the North Carolina city.

Mittwoch, September 21, 2016

the guardian: Russian planes dropped bombs that destroyed UN aid convoy, US officials say

If confirmed, the claim of direct Russian involvement in the bombing that killed at least 20 people in Syria would have far-reaching consequences [more...]

Montag, Juli 11, 2016

Buzz Feed News: This Photo Of A Black Lives Matter Protester Is Being Hailed As Iconic

 It’s being hailed as an iconic picture that captures the spirit of the Black Lives Matter movement, but the photographer who took it almost missed the shot altogether. [more...]

Mittwoch, Dezember 02, 2015

focus online: Bis zu 20 Opfer bei Massenschießerei in Kalifornien

In der kalifornischen Stadt San Bernardino soll es nach einem Bericht des US-Fernsehsenders CNN zu einer Massenschießerei gekommen sein. Dem Bericht zufolge soll es am Mittwoch bis zu 20 Opfer gegeben haben. [mehr...]

the guardian: San Bernardino shooting: reports of as many as 20 wounded – live coverage

Police respond to active shooter situation in southern California involving ‘one to three possible suspects’ as fire department tweets report of as many as 20 victims [more...]

Donnerstag, Mai 14, 2015

washington Post: Governor pardons Va. man in prison 29 years in case of mistaken identity

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) on Wednesday granted an absolute pardon to a convicted sex offender, ending a decades-long campaign by an imprisoned man whose claims of innocence were eventually joined by prosecutors and police. [more...]

Dienstag, Juli 17, 2012

zeit online: Geldwäsche, Drogengeld, Terrorunterstützung

Der US-Senat erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen die Großbank HSBC. Sie soll Milliardensummen aus verdächtiger Herkunft in die USA geschleust haben. Der Lizenzentzug droht. [mehr...]

Montag, August 08, 2011

New York Times: Times Cast - TV News

Montag, Mai 09, 2011

Spiegel Online: Obamas kühnste Wette

Erstmals hat sich US-Präsident Barack Obama ausführlich zum Einsatz gegen Osama Bin Laden geäußert. In einem TV-Interview offenbarte er, wie riskant die Kommandoaktion wirklich war: "Die Chancen standen 55 zu 45." [mehr...]

Freitag, Mai 06, 2011

ntv: Richter zeigt Merkel an

Ein Richter erstattet Anzeige gegen Bundeskanzlerin Merkel wegen ihrer umstrittenen Äußerung zur Tötung des Al-Kaida-Chefs Bin Laden. Merkels Aussage verstoße gegen deutsches Recht. Ähnliche Verfahren wurden schon geführt, etwa im Zusammenhang mit Veröffentlichungen zum RAF-Mord am ehemaligen Generalbundesanwalt Buback 1977. [mehr...]

The Economist: Osama bin Laden

When he gave interviews to foreign journalists, which he did rarely, Osama bin Laden had a way of looking down at his hands. This, and his soft, slightly raspy voice, and his gentle eyes—as well as the fact that he allowed no instantaneous translation—helped conceal what he was saying: that it was the duty of all Muslims to kill unbelievers, especially Americans, and that when he had seen the bodies of the infidels flying “like dust motes” on September 11th 2001, his heart had filled with joy. [more...]

New York Times: Data Show Bin Laden Plots; C.I.A. Hid Near Raided House

WASHINGTON — After reviewing computer files and documents seized at the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed, American intelligence analysts have concluded that the chief of Al Qaeda played a direct role for years in plotting terror attacks from his hide-out in Abbottabad, Pakistan, United States officials said Thursday. [more...]