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Posts mit dem Label Henriette Reker Cologne's Mayor werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Henriette Reker Cologne's Mayor werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Donnerstag, Januar 07, 2016 "Rot-Grün und Innenminister Jäger taten das Antanzen als Kleinigkeit ab"
Daniel Sieveke ist Vorsitzender des Innenausschusses im Düsseldorfer
Landtag. Im Gespräch mit FOCUS Online beklagt der CDU-Politiker seit
langem bestehende rechtsfreie Räume im Land. "Wir haben Probleme, das
Gewaltmonopol des Staates durchzusetzen." Außerdem erhebt er schwere
Vorwürfe gegen Rot-Grün und Innenminister Jäger. [mehr...]
Mittwoch, Januar 06, 2016
the times: Migrant sex attackers struck in four German cities on New Year’s Eve
German police have revealed that sex attackers struck in four cities across the country on New Year’s Eve amid public fury over immigrant numbers and rising crime. [more...]
the new observer: Media Conspiracy over Cologne Mass Sex Attack
The mass sex attacks carried out by nonwhite refugee-invaders in Cologne, Hamburg, and Stuttgart have definitively exposed the manner in which the controlled media attempts to manipulate news—and how the advent of the Internet and social media has completely undermined their previous control over information flows. [more...]
new york times: Cologne Mayor’s ‘Arm’s Length’ Sex Assault Advice Stirs Outcry
Outside the main train station in Cologne, Germany, on New Year's Eve. The police say they have received more than 90 complaints of robbery and sexual assault, including two accounts of rape, involving groups of men who surrounded young women in the crush of revelers. [more...]
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