Knochenfunde von Tausenden Kindern von Ureinwohnern, die in kanadischen Umerziehungsanstalten interniert wurden, schockieren das nordamerikanische Land. Von einem "kulturellen Genozid" spricht die zuständige Kommission in ihrem Bericht. Der dunkle Teil der kanadischen Geschichte könnte auch Premier Trudeau schaden. mehr... is not responsible for links and contents on this website. is not commercial. Email:
Posts mit dem Label Cultural Genocide Canada werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Cultural Genocide Canada werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Sonntag, August 01, 2021
Donnerstag, Juni 04, 2015
BBC: Canada 'cultural genocide' against First Nation - report
A study has found rules that required Canadian aboriginals to attend state-funded church schools were responsible for "cultural genocide".The report released on Tuesday found that First Nation children were often physically and sexually abused. [more...]
guardian: Canada's indigenous schools policy was 'cultural genocide', says report
Canadian governments and churches pursued a policy of “cultural genocide” against the country’s aboriginal people throughout the 20th century, according to an investigation into a long-suppressed history that saw 150,000 Native, or First Nations, children forcibly removed from their families and incarcerated in residential schools rife with abuse. [more...]
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