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Posts mit dem Label Politics werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Politics werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Mittwoch, Juli 30, 2014
cicero: Rings und Lechts sind gleich schlecht
Putin und der offene Judenhass in Europa belegen erneut, wie sehr sich Links- und Rechtsextremisten gleichen. Die politische Gesäßgeografie führt in die Irre [mehr...]
Freitag, Februar 14, 2014
zeit online: Friedrichs Rücktritt muss nicht der einzige bleiben
Der Abgang des Ex-Innenministers wegen der Informationsweitergabe im Fall Edathy war unausweichlich. Aber auch die SPD-Spitze und die Regierung geraten in Gefahr. [mehr...]
Donnerstag, Juli 18, 2013
Johannesburg 1995: Nelson Mandela interviewed by Radio/TV Journalist Wolfgang Rathgeber (Blogger)
Dienstag, Juli 12, 2011
Focus online: Umsonst fliegen und gratis parken
Bundestagsabgeordnete dürfen sich nicht nur selbst die Diäten erhöhen. Sie haben Chauffeure, obwohl sie gratis fliegen und Bahn fahren. Und um ihre Altersversorgung müssen sie sich auch nicht kümmern. Die Privilegien der Politiker. [mehr...]
Freitag, Juni 10, 2011
Pro Publica: A Reader’s Guide to the (Still Coming) Sarah Palin Emails
Before Sarah Palin became a political pundit, reality TV star and household name, she did a whole lot of things in Alaska that raised eyebrows once she became a vice presidential nominee. Reporters began exploring some of those things at the time and filing public records requests to more fully explore her record. Now, three years later, and after much wrangling with the State of Alaska, we’re finally getting 24,199 pages of emails from Sarah Palin’s time as governor. They’re going to be released—on paper—this afternoon. [more...]
Mittwoch, März 09, 2011
Now Prince Andrew comes under fire for links to ruler of second corrupt former Soviet
Prince Andrew has developed a 'close friendship' with a billionaire dictator accused of torturing protesters, and lobbied the president of another of the world's 'most corrupt' countries, it has emerged [more...]
Sonntag, März 06, 2011
ZeitOnline: "Ich fühle wieder Stolz als Araber"
Der palästinensische Philosoph Sari Nusseibeh über die Umstürze in Nordafrika und seine Furcht vor einem politischen Islam. [mehr...]
Dienstag, Februar 22, 2011
Guardian: Is this the end for Angela Merkel?
Hamburg is Germany's most English city. The wind blowsfrom the North Sea, its buildings look like London townhouses and moments of extreme joy and despair are usually handled with a stiff upper lip. [more...]
Montag, Februar 21, 2011 : A Berlin, le «copygate» de Zu Gutenberg
Le baron Karl-Theodor Zu Guttenberg, Monsieur Propre de la politique allemande, mais aussi ministre de la Défense et dauphin potentiel d’Angela Merkel, a-t-il usurpé le titre de docteur en droit qu’il a obtenu à Bayreuth, en 2007, avec les félicitations unanimes du jury ? Depuis que les accusations de plagiat, lancées par deux professeurs de droit, ont été publiées dans le Süddeutsche Zeitung, mercredi matin, le «Copygate» occupe la une des médias nationaux. [more...] Le ministre allemand de la Défense renonce temporairement à son doctorat Le ministre allemand de la Défense renonce temporairement à son doctorat
Sonntag, Januar 16, 2011
Spiegel Online: Pilot verweigerte Präsidentenbefehl - On Facebook Captain Mohamed Benkilani
Die Revolutionäre in Tunesien haben einen neuen Helden: Mohammed Ben Kilani sollte die Familie des gestürzten Präsidenten Ben Ali aus dem Land fliegen, doch er weigerte sich. Nun applaudieren Passagiere dem Deserteur - und seine Fangemeinde im Internet wächst rasant. [mehr...]
On Facebook: Captain Mohamed Benkilani
On Facebook: Captain Mohamed Benkilani
Kleine Zeitung: Ex-Sicherheitschef und Neffe von Ben Ali verhaftet
In Tunesien ist der frühere Sicherheitschef des gestürzten Präsidenten Zine El Abidine Ben Ali festgenommen worden. Er hatte versucht nach Libyen zu flüchten. [mehr...]
Die Presse: Tunesien: Chaos nach dem Umsturz
Auch am Tag nach der Flucht von Staatschef Ben Ali überschlugen sich in Tunesien die Ereignisse: Der Übergangspräsident wurde ab-, ein zweiter eingesetzt. Auf den Straßen kam es zu Plünderungen und Schießereien. [mehr...]
Handelsblatt: In Tunis werden die Lebensmittel knapp
Während die Urlauber zu Tausenden aus dem Krisenland ausgeflogen werden, hoffen viele Tunesier auf einen demokratischen Neuanfang. Auf den Straßen beruhigt sich die Lage etwas, allerdings werden die Lebensmittel knapp. Derweil kritisiert der libysche Staatschef Muammar Gaddafi das Vorgehen der Demonstranten scharf. [mehr...]
Mittwoch, Januar 05, 2011
GQ: The Dubai Job - Der Dubai Job
by Ronen Bergman
One year ago, an elite Mossad hit squad traveled to Dubai to kill a high-ranking member of Hamas. They completed the mission, but their covers were blown, and Israel was humiliated by the twenty-seven-minute video of their movements that was posted online for all the world to see. Ronen Bergman reveals the intricate, chilling details of the mission and investigates how Israel's vaunted spy agency did things so spectacularly wrong [more...]
One year ago, an elite Mossad hit squad traveled to Dubai to kill a high-ranking member of Hamas. They completed the mission, but their covers were blown, and Israel was humiliated by the twenty-seven-minute video of their movements that was posted online for all the world to see. Ronen Bergman reveals the intricate, chilling details of the mission and investigates how Israel's vaunted spy agency did things so spectacularly wrong [more...]
Sonntag, September 12, 2010
New York Times: Russia Uses Microsoft to Suppress Dissent
IRKUTSK, Russia — It was late one afternoon in January when a squad of plainclothes police officers arrived at the headquarters of a prominent environmental group here. They brushed past the staff with barely a word and instead set upon the computers before carting them away. Taken were files that chronicled a generation’s worth of efforts to protect the Siberian wilderness. [more...]
Spiegel Online: Microsoft steht im Verdacht der Komplizenschaft
Spiegel Online: Microsoft steht im Verdacht der Komplizenschaft
Samstag, September 11, 2010
FP: An open letter to Osama bin Laden [Offener Brief an Osama Bin Laden]
Editors note: below and reproduced in full with the author's permission is an open letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and a former associate of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. In al Qaeda strategy meetings in Kandahar in 2000, Benotman warned the al-Qaeda leadership of ‘total failure' to realise their aims and called on bin Laden and al-Zawahiri to abandon violence. Soon after the 9/11 attacks, he distanced himself from al-Qaeda and later resigned from his own jihadist organisation. He has more recently been instrumental in negotiations with Libya's government to free former LIFG leaders, and in persuading these leaders to formally renounce terrorism. He also recently joined the London-based Quilliam Foundation as a Senior Analyst.
"Is it not time for believers to humble their hearts to the remembrance of
God and the Truth that has been revealed. Quran, 57:16
Dear Osama bin Laden Abu Abdullah, ......
Spiegel Online: "Osama, bitte beende die Gewalt!"
"Is it not time for believers to humble their hearts to the remembrance of
God and the Truth that has been revealed. Quran, 57:16
Dear Osama bin Laden Abu Abdullah, ......
Spiegel Online: "Osama, bitte beende die Gewalt!"
Donnerstag, September 09, 2010
New York Times: Obama Speaks Out Against Pastor’s Plan to Burn Koran
WASHINGTON— President Obama sharply criticized a Florida pastor’s plan to burn copies of the Koran on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, calling it a “stunt” that threatens the lives of American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq and violates American principles of religious tolerance. [mehr...]
Freitag, September 03, 2010
New York Times: Banker’s Book Triggers Race Debate in Germany
When a German banker and former government official spoke publicly about a unique “Jewish gene,” when he attacked Islam as a source of violence and stunted development and when he espoused genetic theories that evoked the fright of the Nazi past, the political leadership quickly condemned him as racist and called for him to be fired, Michael Slackman reports in The New York Times.
But the banker, Thilo Sarrazin, an executive with the Bundesbank and a former Berlin finance minister, has not emerged as the marginalized hate-monger that the initial condemnation suggested. His book, “Germany Does Away With Itself,” which laments the growing number of Muslim immigrants, contending that they are “dumbing down” society, was released Monday and is already in its fourth printing, with sales expected to exceed 150,000 copies, according to his publisher. [more...]
But the banker, Thilo Sarrazin, an executive with the Bundesbank and a former Berlin finance minister, has not emerged as the marginalized hate-monger that the initial condemnation suggested. His book, “Germany Does Away With Itself,” which laments the growing number of Muslim immigrants, contending that they are “dumbing down” society, was released Monday and is already in its fourth printing, with sales expected to exceed 150,000 copies, according to his publisher. [more...]
New York Times: Book Sets Off Immigration Debate in Germany
by Michael Slackman
BERLIN — When a German banker and former government official spoke publicly about a unique “Jewish gene,” when he attacked Islam as a source of violence and stunted development and when he espoused genetic theories that evoked the fright of the Nazi past, the political leadership here quickly condemned him as racist and called for him to be fired.
But the banker, Thilo Sarrazin, an executive with the central bank and a former Berlin finance minister, has not emerged as the marginalized hate-monger that the initial condemnation suggested. [more...]
BERLIN — When a German banker and former government official spoke publicly about a unique “Jewish gene,” when he attacked Islam as a source of violence and stunted development and when he espoused genetic theories that evoked the fright of the Nazi past, the political leadership here quickly condemned him as racist and called for him to be fired.
But the banker, Thilo Sarrazin, an executive with the central bank and a former Berlin finance minister, has not emerged as the marginalized hate-monger that the initial condemnation suggested. [more...]
BBC: Sarrazin supporter defends banker's Muslim comments
Germany's central bank has decided to ask the country's president to dismiss one of its board members, Thilo Sarrazin, over comments he made about immigration, Muslims and Jews. ...........
Speaking on BBC World Service, one of his prominent supporters, Necla Kelek - who herself is a German of Turkish origin - said Germany needed an open debate on immigration. [more...]
href="">Information by Perlentaucher about Necla Kelek (German Language)
Speaking on BBC World Service, one of his prominent supporters, Necla Kelek - who herself is a German of Turkish origin - said Germany needed an open debate on immigration. [more...]
href="">Information by Perlentaucher about Necla Kelek (German Language)
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