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Posts mit dem Label Texas werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, Februar 21, 2021

nytimes: Wie Texas 'Streben nach Energieunabhängigkeit es für eine Katastrophe vorbereitet - Übersetzung mit Google

Texas hat sich geweigert, an zwischenstaatliche Stromnetze anzuschließen, und gegen die Energieregulierung protestiert. Jetzt muss es Millionen von Einwohnern antworten, die im Schneesturm der letzten Woche keinen Strom mehr hatten. mehr...

 Original NYTIMES

Samstag, Februar 20, 2021

Time: The Texas Power Grid Failure Is a Climate Change Cautionary Tale

For scientists, the havoc wreaked by the extreme winter weather that hit Texas in mid-February dropping several inches of snow and leaving millions without power did not come as a surprise. Ten years ago, in 2011, energy regulators warned the state’s electric-grid operators that they were ill-prepared for an unprecedented winter storm. And for decades before that, climate scientists had cautioned that a warming planet would cause climate chaos, raising the average global temperature while driving unusual weather events like this one. For Texas, it was always just a matter of time. more...

Sonntag, August 04, 2019

guardian: El Paso shooting at Walmart leaves at least 20 people dead

At least 20 people have been killed after a shooter opened fire at a busy Walmart store packed with families shopping for the new school year in the Texas border city of El Paso, sending panicked shoppers fleeing. more...

Montag, November 06, 2017

guardian: Texas shooting: at least 26 killed at Baptist church in Sutherland Springs

Gunman dead after worst mass shooting in modern Texas history devastates tiny, close knit-community of a few hundred residents [more...]