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Posts mit dem Label Saudi Arabia werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Saudi Arabia werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Mittwoch, September 18, 2019
guardian: Saudi offers 'proof' of Iran's role in oil attack and urges US response
Defence spokesman calls on ‘international community to hold Iran responsible’ more...
Mittwoch, Mai 08, 2019
guardian: CIA warns Arab activist of potential threat from Saudi Arabia
The CIA has warned Norway that a prominent Arab activist who is living in the country under asylum protection is facing a potential threat from Saudi Arabia, the Guardian has learned. [more...]
Sonntag, März 31, 2019
Guardian: Leaked reports reveal severe abuse of Saudi political prisoners
Exclusive: cuts, burns and bruising documented, despite government denials of torture [more...]
Samstag, Februar 23, 2019
guardian: Trump’s cronies are in secret talks to sell nuclear tech to Saudi. The risks are clear
The congressional report on this multibillion-dollar scheme provides further evidence of attempts to monetise the Trump presidency [more...]
Samstag, Januar 12, 2019
ntv: 18-Jähriger drohte Abschiebung Geflüchtete Saudi-Araberin fliegt nach Kanada
Die Flucht aus ihrer Heimat Saudi-Arabien hatte weltweit für Aufsehen gesorgt. Tagelang war die 18-jährige Rahaf Mohammed al-Kunun in Bangkok aufgehalten worden. Sie sollte abgeschoben werden. Nun hat ihre Reise doch noch ein glückliches Ende. [mehr...]
Dienstag, August 15, 2017
guardian: Saudi Arabia: new details of dissident princes' abductions emerge
New details have emerged about the abductions of three dissident Saudi princes in what appears to be a systematic state-run Saudi government programme to kidnap defectors and dissidents. [more...]
Dienstag, April 04, 2017
telegraph: Saudi princess ordered Paris interior decorator to 'kiss her feet' and guard to 'kill' him, say reports
Saudi Arabian princess forced an interior decorator who took a photo of her flat in Paris to "kiss her feet" and told her bodyguard to "kill" him, according to French reports. [mehr...]
Dienstag, September 29, 2015
Avaaz: Stop the beheading and crucifixion
Saudi Arabia is about to behead a 21-year-old man and then crucify him to display his body in public. This same country was just chosen to head a U.N. Human Rights Council panel. If it weren’t so serious this would be funny! [more]
Sonntag, Juni 07, 2015
guardian: Saudi supreme court upholds verdict against blogger Raif Badawi
Ruling confirms punishment of 1,000 lashes and 10 years in prison for liberal blogger who was found guilty of insulting Islam [more...]
spiegel online: 1000 Peitschenhiebe: Höchstes saudisches Gericht bestätigt Urteil gegen Badawi
Das umstrittene Urteil gegen Raif Badawi aus Saudi-Arabien bleibt bestehen, das hat das höchste Gericht des Landes entschieden. Der liberale Blogger muss für zehn Jahre ins Gefängnis und wird mit 1000 Peitschenhieben bestraft. [mehr...]
Freitag, Januar 23, 2015
new york times: Man Who Filmed Execution Is Arrested, Saudi Outlets Say
In a recent video from Saudi Arabia, three uniformed security officers and a professional swordsman in a white gown struggled to placate a woman cloaked in black and sitting in the street. A Saudi court had convicted her of murder, but she was proclaiming her innocence. [more...]
spiegel online: Barbarische Strafen: Saudi-Arabien richtet wie der "Islamische Staat"
In Saudi-Arabien wird der Blogger Raif Badawi ausgepeitscht - wegen Kritik an der Religionspolizei. Eine grausame Strafe, wie sie auch der "Islamische Staat" verhängt. Beide Regime teilen eine ähnliche Ideologie. [mehr...]
Dienstag, Januar 13, 2015
CBC News: Raif Badawi flogged in Saudi Arabia for activism, Amnesty International says
An activist who has a wife and three children in Sherbrooke, Que., underwent the first round of 50 lashes in public after morning prayers today in Saudi Arabia, human rights group Amnesty International says.Raif Badawi was sentenced last year to 10 years in prison, 1,000 lashes and a fine of one million Saudi Arabian riyals (about $315,000 Cdn) for offences including creating an online forum for public debate and insulting Islam.
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