As it grew from scrappy Silicon Valley startup to a world-conquering multi-billion dollar operation, Uber promoted itself as a leader of the digital revolution.
But the tech company pushed its agenda the old-fashioned way. Uber’s scandals and missteps in the United States, from its spying on government officials to its leaks of executive misconduct, have been the subject of books, TV series and newspaper investigations. more... is not responsible for links and contents on this website. is not commercial. Email:
Posts mit dem Label Uber werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Uber werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Montag, August 08, 2022
ICIJ: The Uber Files
The secret story of how the tech giant won access to world leaders, cozied up to oligarchs and dodged taxes amid chaotic global expansion. more...
Donnerstag, Oktober 31, 2019
politico: Uber drivers wage battle to obtain their data
A former Uber driver in the U.K. is leading a crusade to obtain driving data from the ride-hailing company, in a foretaste of coming battles between workers and platforms over access to highly valuable digital information.
Uber collects vast amounts of data on its users and drivers, everything from routes and performance ratings to what languages drivers speak — data that the company uses to optimize its services. more...
Uber collects vast amounts of data on its users and drivers, everything from routes and performance ratings to what languages drivers speak — data that the company uses to optimize its services. more...
Donnerstag, September 11, 2014
spiegel online: Taxi-App: Gericht verhängt erstes Verbot gegen Uber-Fahrer
Neuer Rückschlag für Uber: Das Landgericht Frankfurt hat nach SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Informationen erstmals einem Fahrer der Beförderungs-App ein direktes Fahrverbot erteilt. Ein Taxiunternehmer hatte dem Mann eine Falle gestellt. [mehr...]
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