It’s never aliens—until it is. Today news leaked in the British newspaper the Guardian of a mysterious signal coming from the closest star to our own, Proxima Centauri, a star too dim to see from Earth with the naked eye that is nonetheless a cosmic stone’s throw away at just 4.2 light-years. Found this autumn in archival data gathered last year, the signal appears to emanate from the direction of our neighboring star and cannot yet be dismissed as Earth-based interference, raising the very faint prospect that it is a transmission from some form of advanced extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI)—a so-called “technosignature.” Now, speaking to Scientific American, the scientists behind the disc more... is not responsible for links and contents on this website. is not commercial. Email:
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Posts mit dem Label Proxima Centauri werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Montag, Dezember 28, 2020
heise: Alien-Suche: SETI-Forscher untersuchen mysteriöses Signal von Proxima Centauri
Forscher von Breakthrough Listen analysieren derzeit ein Signal, das von Proxima Centauri gekommen zu sein scheint und wohl nicht natürlichen Ursprungs ist. mehr...
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