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Posts mit dem Label Oil Desaster werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Oil Desaster werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Mittwoch, Juli 28, 2010
New York Times: On the Surface, Gulf Oil Spill Is Vanishing Fast; Concerns Stay
The oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico appears to be dissolving far more rapidly than anyone expected, a piece of good news that raises tricky new questions about how fast the government should scale back its response to the Deepwater Horizon disaster.[more...]
Dienstag, Juli 20, 2010
Zeit Online: Keine Gefahr durch Gas-Blasen im Golf
Die Behörden sind zuversichtlich: Die Aussickerungen nahe des Bohrlochs ließen nicht auf erhöhten Druck in der Ölquelle schließen. Die Belastungstests würden fortgesetzt. [mehr...]
Freitag, Juli 16, 2010
New York Times: BP Says Oil Flow Has Stopped as Cap Is Tested - BP sagt : Ölaustritt wurde gestoppt
NEW ORLEANS — BP said Thursday that it had capped its hemorrhaging well, at least temporarily, marking the first time in 86 days that oil was not gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. [more...]
Spiegel Online:BP bringt Ölleck erstmals zum Versiegen
NYTIMES: From a Gulf Oyster, a Domino Effect
Spiegel Online:BP bringt Ölleck erstmals zum Versiegen
NYTIMES: From a Gulf Oyster, a Domino Effect
Die ZEIT: BP stoppt vorerst den Ölfluss ins Meer
Freitag, Juni 04, 2010
New York Times: Oil, the Loop Current and the Atlantic
Many have fretted that oil from the spill in the Gulf of Mexico could spread to the Florida Keys and then northward up the Atlantic. Now, the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. has come up with some computer modeling suggesting that the spill could extend along thousands of miles up the Atlantic coast as early as this summer. [more...]
DIE Welt: An Touristen-Stränden wächst die Sorge vor dem Öl
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