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Posts mit dem Label Osama Bin Laden werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Osama Bin Laden werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Donnerstag, September 06, 2012
spiegel online: 20.000 Euro für den Ex-Leibwächter von Bin Laden
Sami A. soll als Bodyguard Osama Bin Laden beschützt haben, inzwischen lebt er in Bochum. Der Tunesier erhält seit Jahren Geld vom Staat - fast 20.000 Euro sind es bislang. Eine Abschiebung des Salafisten ist nach Einschätzung des Innenministeriums kaum möglich. [mehr...]
Montag, Mai 09, 2011
Spiegel Online: Obamas kühnste Wette
Erstmals hat sich US-Präsident Barack Obama ausführlich zum Einsatz gegen Osama Bin Laden geäußert. In einem TV-Interview offenbarte er, wie riskant die Kommandoaktion wirklich war: "Die Chancen standen 55 zu 45." [mehr...]
Freitag, Mai 06, 2011
ntv: Richter zeigt Merkel an
Ein Richter erstattet Anzeige gegen Bundeskanzlerin Merkel wegen ihrer umstrittenen Äußerung zur Tötung des Al-Kaida-Chefs Bin Laden. Merkels Aussage verstoße gegen deutsches Recht. Ähnliche Verfahren wurden schon geführt, etwa im Zusammenhang mit Veröffentlichungen zum RAF-Mord am ehemaligen Generalbundesanwalt Buback 1977. [mehr...]
The Economist: Osama bin Laden
When he gave interviews to foreign journalists, which he did rarely, Osama bin Laden had a way of looking down at his hands. This, and his soft, slightly raspy voice, and his gentle eyes—as well as the fact that he allowed no instantaneous translation—helped conceal what he was saying: that it was the duty of all Muslims to kill unbelievers, especially Americans, and that when he had seen the bodies of the infidels flying “like dust motes” on September 11th 2001, his heart had filled with joy. [more...]
New York Times: Data Show Bin Laden Plots; C.I.A. Hid Near Raided House
WASHINGTON — After reviewing computer files and documents seized at the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed, American intelligence analysts have concluded that the chief of Al Qaeda played a direct role for years in plotting terror attacks from his hide-out in Abbottabad, Pakistan, United States officials said Thursday. [more...]
TheNews (Pakistan): More Abbottabad-like raids not to be tolerated
ISLAMABAD: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani has said that more raids like the one in Abbottabad would not be tolerated, ISPR press released said. [more...]
Donnerstag, Mai 05, 2011
new york times: Reports on the Death of Osama bin Laden
New York Times correspondents report on the military raid in Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden. [more...]
new york times: In Bin Laden’s Compound, Seals’ All-Star Team
WASHINGTON — There were 79 people on the assault team that killed Osama bin Laden, but in the end, the success of the mission turned on some two dozen men who landed inside the Qaeda leader’s compound,... [more...]
Dienstag, Mai 03, 2011
Newyork Times: White House Corrects Bin Laden Narrative
White House officials on Tuesday sought to correct the official account of the raid in Pakistan that ended in the killing of Osama bin Laden, saying that the Qaeda leader was not armed and that his wife was not killed. [more...]
Spiegel Online: USA korrigieren sich - Bin Laden war unbewaffnet
Osama Bin Laden war beim Showdown mit US-Soldaten nicht bewaffnet: Das Weiße Haus hat seine Darstellung von der Tötung des Terrorchefs teilweise korrigiert. Er habe jedoch Widerstand geleistet. Fotos vom Leichnam werden noch zurückgehalten. [mehr...]
Time Magazine: Live in Times Square - TIME's Special Cover on Osama bin Laden
TIME is releasing a special issue on Osama bin Laden's death — and we're putting it up in lights. [more...]
Zeit Online: Am Ende der Konfrontation
Der Tod von Osama bin Laden wird den islamistischen Terrorismus nicht beenden. Aber al-Qaidas Idee vom Gottesstaat ist mit ihm gestorben, kommentiert K. Polke-Majewski. [mehr...]
Spiegel Online: Obama verfolgte "Geronimos" letztes Gefecht live
Wochenlanges Training, akribische Planung, dann der entscheidende tödliche Schlag in Pakistan: Immer mehr Details über die Operation der US Navy Seals gegen Terrorchef Bin Laden werden bekannt. Präsident Obama und seine engsten Mitarbeiter waren live dabei, als Osama, Deckname "Geronimo", fiel. [mehr...]
Montag, Mai 02, 2011
Politico: Report: DNA confirms bin Laden
The Obama administration says that DNA testing proves that the person killed by U.S. forces on Sunday is Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.Two administration officials told The Associated Press on Monday morning that tests show, with 99.9 percent certainty, that the body of the man believed to be bin Laden truly is him. [more...]
Sky News: Can US Offer Final Proof Of Osama's Death?
The circumstances surrounding Osama bin Laden's reported death raise urgent questions over how the US is so sure it got its man. [more...]
UPI: Need for DNA nixed bin Laden bomb plan
WASHINGTON, May 2 (UPI) -- U.S. President Obama had authorized a plan to bomb Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan but canceled it, sources told ABC News [more...]
New York Times: Detective Work on Courier Led to Breakthrough on Bin Laden
WASHINGTON — After years of dead ends and promising leads gone cold, the big break came last August. [more...]
telegraph: Osama bin Laden killed: how the deadly US raid unfolded
Osama bin Laden was killed by a bullet fired by a United States Navy SEAL during a 40-minute helicopter assault on a fortified compound believed to have been purpose-built to hide the al-Qaeda leader. [more...]
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