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Posts mit dem Label Mobilphone werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Mobilphone werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Montag, Juli 16, 2012
Pro Publica/New York Times: That’s No Phone. That’s My Tracker
The device in your purse or jeans that you think is a cellphone — guess again. It is a tracking device that happens to make calls. Let’s stop calling them phones. They are trackers. [more...]
Donnerstag, August 18, 2011
Extrem Tech: A wiggly approach to smartphone keylogging
Two researchers from the University of California Davis, Hao Chen and Lian Cai, have successfully divined the keystrokes on an Android on-screen keyboard by measuring the wiggles, jiggles, and vibrations picked up by the device’s accelerometer. [more...]
Dienstag, Juli 05, 2011
stern: Wie unbekannte Chinesen den Handymarkt aufrollen
Sie beherrschen mehr als ein Drittel des weltweiten Handymarktes und ein Fünftel des globalen Absatzes von Tablet-Rechnern: Unternehmen, die kaum einer kennt. Warum sogenannte White-Box-Anbieter auf dem Vormarsch sind. Eine Analyse. [mehr...]
Mediatek China
Mstar China
Spreadtrum China
Mediatek China
Mstar China
Spreadtrum China
Sonntag, August 01, 2010
WIRED: Hacker Spoofs Cell Phone Tower to Intercept Calls
AS VEGAS — A security researcher created a cell phone base station that tricks cell phones into routing their outbound calls through his device, allowing someone to intercept even encrypted calls in the clear.
The device tricks the phones into disabling encryption and records call details and content before they’re routed on their proper way through voice-over-IP.
The device tricks the phones into disabling encryption and records call details and content before they’re routed on their proper way through voice-over-IP.
Dienstag, Juli 20, 2010
Die Presse: Kommunikation: Russland droht Handy-Herstellern
Wenn Konzerne wie Apple, Siemens, Nokia oder Motorola nicht das russische Navigationssystem Glonass installieren, will Moskau den Import der Geräte verbieten. Die geplante Novelle würde auch Mobiltelefone betreffen. [mehr...]
Dienstag, Juni 15, 2010
WIRED: 19 Android Phones You Can Buy Today (or Soon) - Android Handys, die man schon jetzt, oder bald kaufen kann
The latest Android phone is the HTC Aria. AT&T revealed the Aria on Monday as a mid-range phone that will run Android 2.1, have a 5-megapixel camera, a 3.2-inch display and a slower processor than the Nexus One or HTC Evo 4G (the Aria’s CPU clocks 600 MHz, compared to 1 GHz on the latter). [more...]
Translation to German Language (Google)
Dienstag, April 20, 2010
Secret Iphone? This Is Apple's Next iPhone - Iphone Prototype soll in einer Bar in Redwood City liegengelassen worden sein. Ein schlauer Marketing Trick ?
Uncovered Apple Iphone by gizmodo
Gray Powell—a North Carolina State University 2006 graduate and talented amateur photographer—is an Apple Software Engineer working on the iPhone Baseband Software, the little program that enables the iPhone to make calls. A dream job for a talented engineer like Powell, an Apple fan who always wanted to meet Steve Jobs. more...
go Gizmodo!
Apple askked for the lost Iphone Prototype go Gizmodo!
Report on NPR/National Public Radio
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