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Posts mit dem Label Members of Congress werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Members of Congress werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Sonntag, Oktober 07, 2012
spiegel online: US-Abgeordnete wurden in der Krise noch reicher
Der amerikanische Durchschnittshaushalt verlor in der Finanzkrise viel Geld - anders stellt sich das bei den Abgeordneten im US-Kongress dar. Viele Repräsentanten und Senatoren verdienten laut "Washington Post" in der Krise kräftig dazu. Besonders erfolgreich waren die ohnehin reichsten Politiker. [mehr...]
washington post: Capitol Assets: Congress’s wealthiest mostly shielded from effects of deep recession
If you could peer deeply into how the 535 members of Congress handle their money, what would you find?
You would see a diversity of investment strategies and results, from those who put their money into riskier, high-growth funds to those who own safe municipal bonds. The legislators range from the super-rich to the deep-in-debt, from inherited wealth to married wealth to no wealth at all. They are entrepreneurs and farmers, oilmen and ranchers, lawyers and real estate developers. [more...]
You would see a diversity of investment strategies and results, from those who put their money into riskier, high-growth funds to those who own safe municipal bonds. The legislators range from the super-rich to the deep-in-debt, from inherited wealth to married wealth to no wealth at all. They are entrepreneurs and farmers, oilmen and ranchers, lawyers and real estate developers. [more...]
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