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Posts mit dem Label Austria werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Dienstag, Januar 28, 2025
Montag, Mai 20, 2019
faz: Alle FPÖ-Minister verlassen die Regierung
Österreichs Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz will dem Bundespräsidenten die Entlassung von Innenminister Kickl vorschlagen. Die FPÖ reagiert umgehend auf seine Ankündigung – und zieht wie angedroht alle ihre Minister ab. [mehr...]
ntv: Ex-BND-Chef Hanning zum Strache-Video "Offenkundig wird hier versucht, Wahlen zu manipulieren"
Binnen kürzester Zeit stürzt ein Enthüllungsvideo über den FPÖ-Politiker Strache Österreich in eine tiefe Regierungskrise: Das Land steht vor Neuwahlen, Kanzler Kurz vor einer Bewährungsprobe. Wer aber hat ein Interesse an solch einer Situation so kurz vor der EU-Wahl? n-tv befragt Ex-BND-Chef August Hanning. [mehr...]
meedia: “Besoffene G’schicht”: die offene Frage nach der Rolle der Medien beim Ibiza-Video
Die Story rund um das Ibiza-Video, das eine ausgewachsene Staatskrise in Österreich ausgelöst hat, schillert in vielen Facetten. Was den Medienaspekt betrifft, sind sehr viele Fragen offen. Die drängendste: Wer hat das Video produziert? [mehr...]
Samstag, Mai 18, 2019
sueddeutsche: Strache tritt als Vizekanzler und FPÖ-Chef zurück
Nach Enthüllungen über den Versuch dubioser Absprachen mit einer angeblichen russischen Oligarchen-Nichte tritt Österreichs Vizekanzler und FPÖ-Chef Strache von seinen Ämtern zurück. [mehr...]
SZ: Strache-Video Das sind die Schlüsselszenen
Beim stundenlangen Treffen einer vermeintlichen russischen Oligarchen-Nichte mit den FPÖ-Politikern Gudenus und Strache werden dubiose Deals besprochen. [mehr...]standard: Strache legt alle Funktionen zurück: "Wollen Regierungsprogramm weiter umsetzen“ – Norbert Hofer folgt als FPÖ-Parteichef -
Auch der bisherige FPÖ-Klubobmann Johann Gudenus tritt von allen Ämtern zurück. Die Erklärung des Bundeskanzlers Sebastian Kurz folgt am frühen Nachmittag - [mehr...]
guardian: Austrian vice-chancellor resigns over secret video footage
Austria’s vice-chancellor has resigned after a video appeared to show the far-right politician promising public contracts to a fake Russian backer in return for campaign help. [more...]
Freitag, August 28, 2015 Bis zu 50 Flüchtlinge in Lkw gestorben
Die Fahndung nach dem Lenker läuft. Polizei bittet um Zeugenhinweise. Obduktion der Leichen in Wien. [mehr...]
new york times: Austria Finds Up to 50 Bodies Thought to Be of Migrants in Truck
VIENNA — The decomposing bodies of as many as 50 people assumed to be migrants being smuggled across Europe were found in a truck abandoned on a highway east of Vienna on Thursday, the police said. [more...]
Samstag, Januar 19, 2013
Dienstag, Januar 15, 2013 Rätsel um den Tod von Duncan M.
Der 23-jährige Eishockey-Profi Duncan MacPherson verschwindet beim Snowboarden auf dem Stubaier Gletscher. 14 Jahre später taucht sein Leichnam wieder auf. [mehr...]
Hintergrund/Background - Wolfgang Rathgeber TV Journalist ist familiar with this case since many years. He was too an advisor for the features on Fifth Estate CBC.
Donnerstag, Juni 28, 2012
John Leake: Cold a Long Time: An Alpine Mystery -Something is rotten in Innsbruck
As President of the Austrian Society of Forensic Medicine, Dr. Walter Rabl is considered the foremost forensic doctor in Austria. In recent years, he has been commissioned to serve as the final scientific arbiter in complex and controversial cases, including those of Denisa Soltisova and Joerg Haider. When someone dies in Austria under suspicious circumstances and the cause and manner of his death become a matter of debate, Dr. Rabl may very well have the last word. [more...]
Montag, Mai 14, 2012
ntv: "Ohne Euro raus aus der EU"
Wenn Griechenland den Euro aufgeben wolle, müsse das Land auch aus der EU austreten, sagt die österreichische Finanzministerin Fekter. Danach könne Athen sich um Wiedereintritt bewerben. Die EU werde dann "genauer hinschauen als das letzte Mal, als sie dem Euro beigetreten sind", so Fekter. [mehr...] "Krone" verrät, was aus unserem Staats-Gold wurde
Können wir in unseren Goldreserven, wie Dagobert Duck das ja so gerne tut, noch immer "baden", oder sind die vielen Tonnen des kostbaren Metalls in Zeiten wie diesen genauso futsch wie unsere Steuermilliarden oder verspekulierte Wahnsinnsbeträge? Diese Frage stellt sich deshalb, weil die Österreichische Nationalbank zuletzt über die Aufbewahrung der österreichischen Goldreserven nichts Genaues sagen wollte oder vielleicht auch gar nicht konnte. [mehr...]
Donnerstag, März 22, 2012
CBC Radio: New book warms up cold case
Author John Leake says his new book sheds light on what happened to Duncan MacPherson, the Saskatoon man who died on mountains in Austria. Leake suspects the death was covered up by authorities. [mehr...]
The Star Phönix: Book Facts stranger than fiction
Since writing his shocking book about the death of hockey player Duncan Macpherson and an alleged coverup, John Leake has met with icy silence from authorities in Austria.
“Graveyard silence,” says Leake, author of Cold a Long Time: An Alpine Mystery.
Macpherson, a Saskatoon native who played with his hometown Blades and was a first-round draft pick of the New York Islanders, disappeared in August 1989 while travelling in Europe. [more...]
“Graveyard silence,” says Leake, author of Cold a Long Time: An Alpine Mystery.
Macpherson, a Saskatoon native who played with his hometown Blades and was a first-round draft pick of the New York Islanders, disappeared in August 1989 while travelling in Europe. [more...]
Freitag, November 25, 2011
John Leake: Cold A Long Time: An Alpine Mystery
COLD A LONG TIME by John Leake
In August of 1989, twenty-three-year-old Duncan MacPherson—a pro hockey player from Canada—vanished without a trace in Central Europe. To his parents, Lynda and Bob, nothing about his disappearance made sense. With no help from the police, they drove all over the Alps looking him, and then finally found his car parked near the gondola station of the Stubai Glacier, a popular ski resort in Austria. Thus began their twenty-two year struggle to find out why Duncan had disappeared—a true story as strange and full of unexpected twists as a season of The Twilight Zone.
In 2009 they asked author John Leake to help them in their ongoing search for answers. Now, after a two-year investigation, Leake has finally discovered what happened to Duncan MacPherson, and why his death was covered up by the Stubai Glacier and high ranking officials in Innsbruck, Austria.
Cold a Long Time: An Alpine Mystery recounts the tragic odyssey of the MacPherson family. It is a story about enduring love, perseverance, and the irrepressible desire to know the truth, literally at all cost. It is also the story of an incredibly elaborate and twisted deception. Leake’s findings are the subject of the television documentary A Cold Case, produced by the fifth estate—Canada’s premier investigative journalism program, which will air on November 25, 2011.
Interview with John Leake on Fifth Estate
Amazon-Link Hintergrund/Background
Donnerstag, November 24, 2011
CBC Fifth Estate: A Cold Case
In the summer of 1989, Duncan MacPherson was setting off to start a new life as a hockey coach in Europe. But the 23-year-old Saskatoon native and former NHL first-round draft pick took a holiday detour to snowboard in the Austrian Alps and then vanished -- for 14 years.
That disappearance plunged his family into a twenty-year search for the truth. Duncan's body was finally discovered in 2003, found frozen in a crevasse on a glacier near a popular ski run. Austrian police and operators of the Innsbruck-area resort have long maintained it a closed case -- claiming MacPherson's death was just an accident, the result of his venturing away from the safety of the designated course and into dangerous terrain. [more...trailer]
That disappearance plunged his family into a twenty-year search for the truth. Duncan's body was finally discovered in 2003, found frozen in a crevasse on a glacier near a popular ski run. Austrian police and operators of the Innsbruck-area resort have long maintained it a closed case -- claiming MacPherson's death was just an accident, the result of his venturing away from the safety of the designated course and into dangerous terrain. [more...trailer]
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