Bis auf China werden weltweit die Corona-Maßnahmen aufgehoben. Die Biontech-Aktie leidet darunter, aber auch unter den immer häufiger auftretenden Impfnebenwirkungen - das räumt der Konzern selbst ein. Biontech arbeitet nach eigenen Angaben an Corona-Impfstoffen, die auch gegen Covid-Mutationen wirken sollen. Trotzdem musste Biontech vor der US-Börsenaufsicht SEC zugeben, dass die Wirksamkeit ihres aktuellen Corona-Impfstoffs eventuell nicht für eine dauerhafte behördliche Zulassung ausreichend sein könnte: „Wir könnten nicht in der Lage sein, eine ausreichende Wirksamkeit oder Sicherheit unseres COVID-19-Impfstoffs und/oder variantenspezifischer Formulierungen nachzuweisen, um eine dauerhafte behördliche Zulassung in den Vereinigten Staaten, Großbritannien, der Europäischen Union oder anderen Ländern zu erlangen, in denen der Impfstoff für den Notfalleinsatz zugelassen oder eine bedingte Marktzulassung erteilt wurde.“ mehr... is not responsible for links and contents on this website. is not commercial. Email:
Posts mit dem Label Pfizer werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Pfizer werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Freitag, April 29, 2022
Mittwoch, Februar 16, 2022
reuters: Pfizer drops India vaccine application after regulator seeks local trial
Dienstag, Januar 04, 2022
Insider Paper: US authorizes Pfizer booster for kids as young as 12
US health authorities on Monday approved Pfizer’s Covid-19 booster shot for children as young as 12, and reduced the wait time between initial vaccination and an extra dose from six months to five, for all ages.
The decision by the Food and Drug Administration comes as the pandemic, driven by the highly transmissible Omicron variant, flares up and as schoolchildren return by the millions to class following the holiday break.
The FDA also approved a booster dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine for immunocompromised children between the ages of five and 11, including for example individuals who have received an organ transplant.
The agency said it relied in particular on data from Israel, where thousands of children age 12 to 15 have already received the booster dose. more...
The decision by the Food and Drug Administration comes as the pandemic, driven by the highly transmissible Omicron variant, flares up and as schoolchildren return by the millions to class following the holiday break.
The FDA also approved a booster dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine for immunocompromised children between the ages of five and 11, including for example individuals who have received an organ transplant.
The agency said it relied in particular on data from Israel, where thousands of children age 12 to 15 have already received the booster dose. more...
Samstag, Dezember 18, 2021
Mittwoch, Dezember 08, 2021
epochtimes: FDA Says It Now Needs 75 Years to Fully Release Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Data
The Food and Drug Administration is asking a judge to give it 75 years to produce data concerning the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, up 20 years from a previous request. The agency, known as the FDA, told the court it can work faster than its previously proposed 500-pages-per-month-rate. But it also said there are over 59,000 more pages than mentioned in an earlier filing. more...
Sonntag, November 07, 2021
Samstag, November 06, 2021
Epoch Times: Report of Problems With Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Being Investigated: Contract Company
Alleged problems with a major clinical trial examining Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine are being probed, a contract company involved in the research has confirmed. Ventavia Research Group operated several of the trial sites in the fall of 2020. Brook Jackson, who worked for the company during this time, told the British Medical Journal that the trial was riddled with issues, including the falsification of data. more...
heise: Corona-Vakzin: Ex-Mitarbeiterin erhebt Vorwürfe gegen Pfizer-Vertragspartner
Expertin beklagt Mängel der Covid-19-Impfstudie eines US-Subunternehmens. Sicherheit der Probanden und korrekter Ablauf womöglich gefährdet Eine Arzneimittelforscherin, die an Phase-III-Studien für den Corona-Impfstoff des US-Pharmakonzerns Pfizer und seines deutschen Partners Biontech im US-Bundesstaat Texas beteiligt war, hat schwere Vorwürfe gegen diese Unternehmen und eine Vertragsfirma erhoben. mehr...
Montag, November 01, 2021
Mittwoch, Oktober 06, 2021
The Expose: Pfizer stand accused of experimenting on orphan babies to test their Covid-19 vaccine
Allegations that Pfizer are conducting experiments on six-month-old orphans to test their Covid-19 vaccine have been made by whistleblowers in Poland leading to a group of lawyers, medical professionals and activists demanding members of the Polish parliament and Senate organise an urgent conference on Saturday 2nd October. more...
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