German prosecutors say suspect arrested after stabbing at Grafing, south-east of Munich, had ‘apparent Islamist motive’ [more...] is not responsible for links and contents on this website. is not commercial. Email:
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Posts mit dem Label Munich werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Dienstag, Mai 10, 2016
the guardian: One dead, three injured in knife attack at train station near Munich
German prosecutors say suspect arrested after stabbing at Grafing, south-east of Munich, had ‘apparent Islamist motive’ [more...]
Freitag, Januar 01, 2016 Bayerischer Innenminister: Hinweise auf Anschlagspläne des Islamischen Staats
Die Münchner Polizei hat "ernstzunehmende Hinweise", dass in der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt ein Terroranschlag geplant ist. [mehr...]
the guardian: Munich police warn of ‘imminent threat’ of terror attack
Two railway stations in the German city cleared as police warn people to stay away after receiving ‘serious information’ [more...]
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