Der ehrwürdige „Nature“-Verlag ist über jeden Verdacht erhaben, in der sogenannten „Schwurbler-Ecke“ zu sein oder gar zu den Corona-Leugnern zu gehören – also unter die Kampfbegriffe zu fallen, mit denen der polit-mediale Komplex alle Kritiker seiner Corona-Politik diffamiert. Umso mehr Gewicht hat es, was jetzt in einer Publikation von „Nature“ veröffentlicht wurde über eine Nebenwirkung der mRNA-Mittel, die es in sich hat. Autoren der Studie selbst sind US-Forscher von der Elite-Universität Stanford; beteiligt waren auch ein Team aus Taiwan und 1,5 Millionen Patienten. mehr... is not responsible for links and contents on this website. is not commercial. Email:
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Samstag, Mai 13, 2023
Donnerstag, Januar 20, 2022
epochtimes: EEU Regulators, WHO Call for End to COVID Boosters, Citing Evidence Strategy Is Failing
EU drug regulators, World Health Organization experts and the former chairman of the UK’s COVID task force all cited mounting evidence mRNA COVID boosters aren’t working and the strategy should be dropped
European Union drug regulators on Tuesday warned frequent COVID boosters could adversely affect the immune system and said there are currently no data to support repeated doses.
This comes a month after EU drug regulators said it made sense to “administer COVID-19 vaccine boosters as early as three months after the initial two-shot regimen,” amid concerns over the Omicron variant. more...
European Union drug regulators on Tuesday warned frequent COVID boosters could adversely affect the immune system and said there are currently no data to support repeated doses.
This comes a month after EU drug regulators said it made sense to “administer COVID-19 vaccine boosters as early as three months after the initial two-shot regimen,” amid concerns over the Omicron variant. more...
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