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Posts mit dem Label Batman werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Batman werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Donnerstag, Juli 26, 2012
Dienstag, Juli 24, 2012
washington post: First look at Colorado shooting suspect
Washington Post: James Holmes, suspect in Colorado massacre, appears in court
James Holmes made his first public appearance as an alleged killer on Monday, shambling into a Colorado courtroom with a bearing more like that of a teenage delinquent than the comic-book supervillain he reportedly fancied himself to be. [more...]
Freitag, Juli 20, 2012
spiegel online: Grauen in Saal 9
Der Täter war bewaffnet, trug eine schusssichere Weste und tötete bei der Premiere eines "Batman"-Films in Aurora nahe Denver zwölf Zuschauer, Dutzende wurden verletzt. Bei dem mutmaßlichen Täter soll es sich um James Holmes handeln, einen 24-jährigen Studenten der Neurowissenschaften. [mehr...]
denver post: 12 killed, 50 wounded at Aurora movie theater
About 50 people were shot — 12 fatally — early Friday when a gunman opened fire at an Aurora movie theater during a premiere showing of the new Batman movie.
A 24-year-old man in is custody and an apartment building in north Aurora connected to the suspect was being evacuated and was booby-trapped, according to Police Chief Dan Oates. [mehr...]
A 24-year-old man in is custody and an apartment building in north Aurora connected to the suspect was being evacuated and was booby-trapped, according to Police Chief Dan Oates. [mehr...]
spiegel online: 14 Tote, Dutzende Verletzte bei "Batman"-Premiere
Der Täter eröffnete das Feuer im Kinosaal: In der Nähe von Denver sind bei einer Premiere des neuen Batman-Films 14 Menschen erschossen und etwa 50 verletzt worden. Die Polizei hat einen Verdächtigen festgenommen - er trug eine Gasmaske. [mehr..]
new york times: Police Say 14 Are Killed in Shooting at Colorado Mall
— A gunman opened fire early Friday at a suburban Denver movie theater on the opening night of the latest Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises," killing 14 people and injuring at least 50 others, authorities said. [more...]
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