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Posts mit dem Label UK werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Donnerstag, September 08, 2022 Queen Elizabeth II. ist tot
Die britische Königin Elizabeth II. ist im Alter von 96 Jahren gestorben. Das teilte der Buckingham Palast am Donnerstagabend mit. Mit ihrem Tod geht eine Ära zu Ende. Ihr Nachfolger auf dem Thron ist Prinz Charles. mehr...
Freitag, April 02, 2021
nytimes: The U.K. reports more blood-clotting cases in people who received the AstraZeneca shot.
Britain reported 30 cases of extremely rare blood clots in people who had received the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine, the same sort of events that have prompted some European countries to restrict use of the shot in certain at-risk age groups. more...
Samstag, Dezember 19, 2020
Daily Mail: This is the worst moment of the pandemic', says SAGE expert as it's revealed new 'Super-Covid' strain is 70% MORE infectious and makes up 60% of new cases in London
A SAGE expert has called the emergence of a new mutant strain of coronavirus that has forced the cancellations of Christmas as the 'worst moment of the pandemic' - as it was revealed the variant is 70 per cent more infectious than others.
British epidemiologist John Edmunds said today that as far as he's concerned 'this is the worst moment of the epidemic because of the extraordinary infectivity of the new strain' of Covid-19.
Speaking at an emergency press conference this afternoon, Robert Peston from ITV News questioned Boris Johnson, Professor Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance about the statement. more...
guardian: Coronavirus live news: Boris Johnson announces new tier 4 and tightens Christmas rules; Scotland announces travel ban with rest of UK
Under tier 4 restrictions, non-essential shops, hairdressers and leisure and entertainment venues will close, with a new “stay at home” message introduced.
People who need to travel for education or childcare will be exempt and exercise will be unlimited. Where people cannot work from home, they are still able to travel to work.
Under the measures, households will not be allowed to mix, but one person will be allowed to meet with one other person outside in a public space. Support bubbles and those meeting for childcare will be exempt.
Those who are deemed clinically extremely vulnerable should not go to work and should limit time outside of their homes.
Tier 4 residents must not stay overnight away from home and cannot travel abroad. People in all tiers are advised to stay local, and “think carefully” about whether they need to travel abroad. more...
People who need to travel for education or childcare will be exempt and exercise will be unlimited. Where people cannot work from home, they are still able to travel to work.
Under the measures, households will not be allowed to mix, but one person will be allowed to meet with one other person outside in a public space. Support bubbles and those meeting for childcare will be exempt.
Those who are deemed clinically extremely vulnerable should not go to work and should limit time outside of their homes.
Tier 4 residents must not stay overnight away from home and cannot travel abroad. People in all tiers are advised to stay local, and “think carefully” about whether they need to travel abroad. more...
Mittwoch, April 29, 2020 Heftiger Krankheitsverlauf bei Kindern in Italien, Spanien und Großbritannien
In drei Ländern mehren sich Fälle von Kindern, die schwer krank in die Notaufnahmen kommen. Sie zeigen Symptome des so genannten Kawasaki-Syndroms. Ärzte befürchten einen Zusammenhang mit dem Coronavirus. mehr...
Dienstag, Januar 14, 2020
guardian: Revealed: UK concealed failure to alert EU over 75,000 criminal convictions
The UK has failed to pass on the details of 75,000 convictions of foreign criminals to their home EU countries and concealed the scandal for fear of damaging Britain’s reputation in Europe’s capitals, the Guardian can reveal. more...
Freitag, Dezember 13, 2019
Guardian: UK general election 2019: Tories secure majority as Corbyn says he won't lead Labour into next election – live news
Updates and reaction as Conservatives seal historic victory and Boris Johnson says Brexit is now the ‘unarguable decision of the British people’ more...
Dienstag, September 24, 2019
Freitag, Juli 13, 2018
ntv: Polizei findet Nowitschok-Behälter
Eine Frau im englischen Amesbury stirbt nach einem Kontakt mit dem Nervengift Nowitschok. Nun weiß die Polizei, worin sich die Substanz befand. Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zum Fall Skripal? [mehr...]
Mittwoch, März 14, 2018
guardian: Russia threatens retaliation after Britain expels 23 diplomats
Britain is braced for retaliation from Moscow after Theresa May blamed the Russian state for the Salisbury poisoning, and announced the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats and a crackdown on “corrupt elites”. [more...]
Mittwoch, März 07, 2018
faz: Ein unheilvoller Verdacht
Sergej Skripal spionierte einst im Auftrag der Briten. Nun fand man den Russen bewusstlos auf einer Parkbank im Süden Englands – möglicherweise vergiftet ringt er mit dem Tod. Außenminister Johnson hat schon einen Schuldigen ausgemacht. [mehr...]
Freitag, Juli 07, 2017
sueddeutsche: Das Rennen um Londons Banken hat begonnen
Ende kommender Woche ist es so weit: Bis zum 14. Juli müssen die Banken in London, Europas größtem Finanzplatz, der britischen Notenbank ihre
Pläne für den Brexit vorlegen. Die Bank of England will als
Aufsichtsbehörde wissen, wie sich die Konzerne auf den Austritt der
Briten aus der EU vorbereiten. [mehr...]
Freitag, Mai 12, 2017
guardian: NHS hospitals across England hit by large-scale cyber-attack
Many hospitals having to divert emergency patients, with doctors reporting messages demanding money [more...]
Dienstag, April 18, 2017
handelsblatt: Pfund steigt nach May-Auftritt
Kurzfristig hat Premierministerin Theresa May eine Erklärung vor ihrem Amtssitz gehalten: Sie will Neuwahlen. Nachdem das britische Pfund zunächst auf Talfahrt gegangen ist, stieg der Kurs während der Ankündigung.[mehr...]
Mittwoch, August 17, 2016 Unbemerkt stoppt die Justiz Europas mächtigsten Hassprediger
Mehr als 20 Jahre war die Justiz machtlos gegen den Islamisten Anjem Choudary. Dabei galt er als wichtigste Inspirationsquelle für Extremisten. Doch dann wurde ihm ein Aufruf zum Verhängnis. [mehr...]
Sonntag, Juni 19, 2016
the guardian: Paused EU referendum debate to resume, but with a more respectful tone
The EU referendum campaign is expected to resume tentatively on Sunday after hostilities were abruptly halted by the killing of Labour MP Jo Cox, with politicians on both sides of the debate appearing at events and on television ahead of the final few days before the vote. [more...]
Freitag, Juni 17, 2016
spiegel online: England: Britische Labour-Abgeordnete nach Attentat gestorben
Die britische Parlamentsabgeordnete Jo Cox ist an den Folgen eines Attentats gestorben. Die Labour-Politikerin war am Mittag niedergeschossen worden. Gegner und Befürworter des Brexit haben den Wahlkampf vorerst gestoppt. [more...]
the guardian: Killing of Jo Cox: grief and shock over death of 'MP with huge compassion'
Husband of Batley and Spen Labour MP calls for fight against ‘the hatred that killed her’ as politicians mourn victim of shooting and stabbing outside constituency surgery [more...]
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