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Posts mit dem Label BBC werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label BBC werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Donnerstag, November 26, 2020
Samstag, November 14, 2020
guardian: BBC finds Princess Diana's lost note that it says clears Martin Bashir
FAZ: BBC-Skandalinterview : Wurde Lady Diana hinters Licht geführt?
Vor fast 25 Jahren führte die BBC ein Interview mit Lady Diana. Bei dem Gespräch soll der Reporter ihr falsche Tatsachen vorgespielt haben. Jetzt fällt der Skandal dem Sender auf die Füße. Auch Premier Johnson schaltet sich ein. mehr...
Donnerstag, Juni 04, 2020
bbc: Madeleine McCann disappearance: A timeline
Three-year-old Madeleine McCann vanished from a Portuguese holiday apartment 13 years ago.
In the intervening years, a huge, costly police operation has taken place across much of Europe.
The latest development is focused upon a German sex offender who is currently in jail. German prosecutors say they are assuming Madeleine is dead and are treating it as a murder inquiry.
Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry, say all they have ever wanted is to find their daughter.
Here is the story so far. more...
In the intervening years, a huge, costly police operation has taken place across much of Europe.
The latest development is focused upon a German sex offender who is currently in jail. German prosecutors say they are assuming Madeleine is dead and are treating it as a murder inquiry.
Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry, say all they have ever wanted is to find their daughter.
Here is the story so far. more...
Freitag, November 08, 2019
BBC Radio 4: Tunnel 29 - Radio Feature
“I didn’t want to be a part of this new world.” Joachim is on holiday in East Germany when he hears Berlin is to be divided. The wall is built and the escapes begin. Joachim has to decide whether he'll be among them. Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Helena Merriman tells the extraordinary true story of a man who dug a tunnel into the East, right under the feet of border guards, to help friends, family and strangers escape. It’s also the story of the Stasi spy who betrays the tunnel, the American TV network which funds it and the love that develops between refugees who find freedom together. The series is based on original interviews with the survivors as well as thousands of documents from the Stasi archives and recordings from the tunnel. Producer & Presenter: Helena Merriman Sound Design: Eloise Whitmore Translation and additional research: Sabine Schereck Editor: Richard Knight Joachim Rudolph's original interviews voiced by Mark Edel Hunt more...
Montag, Februar 20, 2017
Sonntag, Juli 26, 2015
spiegel online: Geplante BBC-Reform: Schockdiät für die alte Tante
Die Regierung von David Cameron will die BBC umfassend reformieren. Das heißt vor allem: verkleinern. Es geht ums Geldsparen - aber auch um den Kampf gegen unliebsame Kritiker. [mehr,,,]
Sonntag, Juni 23, 2013
Donnerstag, Mai 23, 2013
bbc: BBC poll: Germany most popular country in the world
Germany is the most positively viewed nation in the world in this year's annual Country Ratings Poll for the BBC World Service. [more...]
Donnerstag, September 29, 2011
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