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Posts mit dem Label Syria werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Syria werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Mittwoch, Oktober 09, 2019
guardian: Turkey launches military operation in northern Syria
The Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has said that a long-planned Turkish military operation in north-east Syria has begun, with Kurdish forces currently in control of the area reporting widespread airstrikes and “huge panic”. more...
Montag, Oktober 07, 2019
guardian: US to let Turkish forces move into Syria, dumping Kurdish allies
The White House has given the green light to a Turkish offensive into northern Syria, moving US forces out of the area in an abrupt foreign policy change that will in effect abandon the Kurds, Washington’s longtime military partner. more...
Donnerstag, Dezember 15, 2016
Montag, November 07, 2016
ntv: Niqab-Trägerin empört Zuschauer - "Anne Will"-Redaktion in der Kritik
Skandal-Auftritt bei Anne Will: Einer vollverschleierten Muslima wird vorgeworfen, den islamistischen Terror in Syrien zu verharmlosen und "Kriegspropaganda" zu betreiben. Bereits in der Sendung wird Kritik an der Redaktion laut. [mehr...]
Montag, September 26, 2016
the guardian: Russia accused of war crimes in Syria at UN security council session
Accusations centre on widespread use of bunker-busting and incendiary bombs on civilians in rebel-held eastern Aleppo [more...]
tageschau: Die Welt ist entsetzt
Die Bewohner Aleppos sind derzeit den schlimmsten Angriffen seit dem Beginn des Syrienkrieges ausgesetzt. Das erklärte UN-Generalsekretär Ban und kritisierte die syrische Militäroffensive aufs Schärfste. Heute kommt der UN-Sicherheitsrat zu einer Dringlichkeitssitzung zusammen. [mehr...]
Mittwoch, September 21, 2016
ntv: Bürger gaben entscheidende Hinweise - Flüchtling in Köln plante Anschlag
In Köln wird ein 16-Jähriger aus Syrien festgenommen. Wenig später steht für die Ermittler fest: Der junge Mann plante ein Sprengstoffanschlag. Per Chat hatte er Kontakt zum IS und bekam konkrete Anweisungen eine Bombe zu bauen. [mehr...]
the guardian: Russian planes dropped bombs that destroyed UN aid convoy, US officials say
If confirmed, the claim of direct Russian involvement in the bombing
that killed at least 20 people in Syria would have far-reaching
consequences [more...]
Freitag, August 26, 2016
Berliner Zeitung: Rückzug hinter Euphrat Syrische Kurden weichen Druck der Türkei und USA
Nach starkem Druck der Türkei und der USA ziehen sich die syrischen Kurden im Norden des Landes
aus Gebieten unter ihrer Kontrolle zurück.[mehr...]
Donnerstag, Juni 30, 2016
the guardian: Iran covertly recruits Afghan soldiers to fight in Syria
Shia men from Afghanistan are coaxed into war to support Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, Guardian investigation reveals [more...]
Montag, April 18, 2016
the guardian: 'Here it is a big dream': Syrians taken in by Vatican begin new life in Rome
Trastevere becomes temporary home for 12 Syrian asylum seekers after Pope Francis offers sanctuary after Lesbos visit [more...]
Montag, März 07, 2016
the guardian: Resettling Syrians, aid and visa changes on table at EU-Turkey migration summit
Draft of summit conclusions says EU ready to double aid to €6bn, as leaders discuss plan to resettle one Syrian refugee in Europe for every Syrian returned to Turkey from Greek islands [more...]
Donnerstag, Januar 14, 2016
new York Times: In Syrian Town Cut Off From the World, Glimpses of Deprivation
BEIRUT, Lebanon — Nisrine kept teaching school for months as the siege tightened around the Syrian town of Madaya, but had to give up a few weeks ago when her students got too weak from starvation to walk to class. A local medic has been surviving on the rehydration salts he gives patients, while a business school graduate makes soup from grass for his 70-year-old father, consulting shepherds about which ones their long-since-slaughtered flocks liked best. [more...]
Freitag, Dezember 18, 2015 "Wir können die Grenzen nicht dichtmachen"
In der Flüchtlingskrise spüren Polizisten soziale Spannungen so schnell wie kaum jemand sonst. Zwei Ordnungshüter über Macht und Ohnmacht. [mehr...]
Mittwoch, Dezember 16, 2015
the guardian: 7,000 Syrians who died in state detention 'were tortured or executed'
Human Rights Watch says it has identified 19 victims from photographs taken by defector who chronicled deaths in Syrian regime custody [more...]
Donnerstag, Dezember 10, 2015
the times: EU buckles as Merkel’s migrants hit 1 million
The influx of refugees entering Germany this year has passed the one million mark, heaping pressure on European leaders as they struggle to cope with the migrant crisis.[more...]
Freitag, Dezember 04, 2015
the guardian: Germany joins anti-Isis military campaign
Parliament backs plan to provide support staff and reconnaissance jets, but Germans will not actively engage in combat [more...]
Donnerstag, November 26, 2015
the guardian: The story of a radicalisation: 'I was not thinking my thoughts. I was not myself'

Maysa, a teenager from Brussels, was a music fan and a ‘ray of sunshine’ at school. But an encounter on social media had changed her within a year [more...]
Mittwoch, November 25, 2015
the guardian: Russia hails rescue operation as downed jet's navigator denies Turkey warning
The second Russian airman from the Su-24 shot down by the Turkish air force is “alive and well”, after a 12-hour special operation to save him succeeded, Russian officials have said. [more...]
Dienstag, November 24, 2015
spiegel online: Nach Abschuss des Kampfjets: Nato warnt Türkei vor Eskalation mit Russland
Die Nato versucht nach dem Abschuss eines russischen Kampfjets durch die Türkei zu beschwichtigen. Bei einer Krisensitzung sicherte die Allianz Ankara zwar ihre Solidarität zu - doch warnte sie vor einer Eskalation. [mehr...]
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