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Posts mit dem Label Notre-Dame werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Mittwoch, Juni 07, 2017

le Figaro: Les images de l'attaque de Notre-Dame

Des images de vidéosurveillance obtenues par Associated Press montrent le moment où Farid I. attaque au marteau des policiers à l'extérieur de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. [more...] Moment of Notre Dame hammer attack caught on camera (VIDEO)

Video footage has emerged of the recent attack near Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, showing a hammer-wielding man attacking police and officers responding with gunshots. [more...]

Dienstag, Juni 06, 2017 Police shoot & injure attacker armed with hammer near Notre Dame in Paris (WATCH LIVE)

The regional secretary of the police union Alliance told BFM TV that one officer was hit in the head with the hammer, prompting police to fire at the attacker.The man shouted "this is for Syria" as he attacked, according to French interior minister Gerard Collomb.Two police sources cited by Reuters said the officers shot the man in the thorax after he attacked. The man had also threatened passers-by before targeting the two police officers, according to BFM TV.Paris police initially tweeted that an "intervention" was taking place in the square in front of the cathedral, and asked people to avoid the area. [more...] Polizei schießt auf Angreifer vor Pariser Kathedrale Notre-Dame

Ein Polizist hat in Paris bei der Kirche Notre-Dame auf einen Angreifer geschossen und ihn dabei verletzt. Das bestätigte die Polizei am Dienstag. Der mutmaßliche Täter habe versucht, den Beamten mit einem Hammer anzugreifen. Der betroffene Polizist sei vor der Kathedrale auf Patrouille gewesen. [mehr...]