NEW DELHI, Feb 5 (Reuters) - Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) said on Friday it had withdrawn an application for emergency-use authorisation of its COVID-19 vaccine in India, after failing to meet the drug regulator's demand for a local safety and immunogenicity study. more... is not responsible for links and contents on this website. is not commercial. Email:
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Posts mit dem Label India werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Mittwoch, Februar 16, 2022
Montag, Mai 24, 2021
bbc: Mucormycosis: The 'black fungus' maiming Covid patients in India
On Saturday morning, Dr Akshay Nair, a Mumbai-based eye surgeon, was waiting to operate on a 25-year-old woman who had recovered from a bout of Covid-19 three weeks ago.
Inside the surgery, an ear, nose and throat specialist was already at work on the patient, a diabetic.
He had inserted a tube in her nose and was removing tissues infected with mucormycosis, a rare but dangerous fungal infection. This aggressive infection affects the nose, eye and sometimes the brain. more...
Inside the surgery, an ear, nose and throat specialist was already at work on the patient, a diabetic.
He had inserted a tube in her nose and was removing tissues infected with mucormycosis, a rare but dangerous fungal infection. This aggressive infection affects the nose, eye and sometimes the brain. more...
Mittwoch, Mai 19, 2021
Time: After Australia Banned Its Citizens in India From Coming Home, Many Ask: Who Is Really Australian?
When Ara Sharma Marar’s father had a stroke in India in early April, she got on the first flight she could from her home in Melbourne, Australia to New Delhi. She had planned to return to Australia, where she works in risk management at a bank, on May 14. But then her government banned her from coming home. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on April 27 that travelers from India—including citizens—were barred from the country. The government emphasized that anyone who tried to come home would face up to five years in jail and a $50,000 fine. more...
nytimes: Covid Live Updates: New Cases in Nursing Homes Fall Dramatically After Vaccinations
More than 100 million Johnson and Johnson doses are on hold as U.S.
regulators inspect them. Europe will open to vaccinated visitors. India reported the highest known daily death toll. more...
Samstag, Mai 23, 2020
spiegel: Pharmaskandal "Inder wollen keine Versuchskaninchen mehr sein" 2012
Immer häufiger testen Pharmakonzerne Medikamente in Indien. Als eine gemeinnützige Organisation Schulmädchen gegen krebserregende Viren impfen ließ, kam es zum Eklat. Sieben Kinder starben, die Eltern waren vor der Kampagne nicht nach ihrem Einverständnis gefragt worden. mehr...
spiegel 2012: Erst der Test, dann die Moral
spiegel 2012: Medikamententests in Indien Hunderte Todesfälle bei klinischen Studien
spiegel 2012: Medizin-Tests in Indien Verkaufte Körper
spiegel 2012: Erst der Test, dann die Moral
spiegel 2012: Medikamententests in Indien Hunderte Todesfälle bei klinischen Studien
Montag, Februar 20, 2017
Sonntag, Mai 17, 2015
"Dreams" movie from India
A short film by a member of Contrapunto on street education where children from poor families who can't afford to study in big schools in the commercial capital of India i.e. Mumbai are forced to seek education on Mumbai's footpaths come rain or sunshine. This film was a zero budget project done by a simple Sony Cyber Shot camera with no other equipment in hand and shot on the actual locations in Mumbai by one of the staff members of Contrapunto on an experimental basis.
Donnerstag, März 19, 2015
BBC News India: India students caught 'cheating' in exams in Bihar
Cheating in exams is fairly common in the Indian state of Bihar, but new images have emerged which show just how large-scale and blatant the practice is. [more...]
Dienstag, Juli 31, 2012
the guardia: India's power cuts speak of a country that is rich but fails to invest in itself
India needs long-overdue institutional reform and infrastructure investment if its success story is to continue [more...]
Freitag, August 26, 2011
Mittwoch, Mai 11, 2011
ftd: Indien verzweifelt an der Inflation
Mit Macht stemmt sich der Subkontinent gegen die Teuerung. Dennoch steigen die Preise etwa für Lebensmittel hartnäckig weiter. Jetzt überrumpelt die Zentralbank Investoren mit einem extragroßen Zinsschritt - und nimmt sogar eine kurzfristige Wachstumsdelle in Kauf. [mehr...]
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