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Posts mit dem Label Ham Radio werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Freitag, August 21, 2015
Samstag, Januar 04, 2014
Samstag, November 09, 2013
Southgate: Super Typhoon disaster in the Philippines
Powerful Typhoon Haiyan (locally named Yolanda), the strongest ever to hit land, struck the central Philippines on Friday, killing at least four people, cutting services, leaving the task of providing shelter, welfare and the massive clean-up. [more...]
Dienstag, Juni 05, 2012
Ham Radio Blog by SV5BYR: 3. June 2012 - Info about DJ6SI
SV5BYR wrote:
First of all let me clear that DJ6SI he is not in jail. Police arrest him late the night (using anonymous info) and the very next morning he guided to the court with a lawyer that court find for him. During his arrest (as the police says and his lawyer confirms) he try to destroy his FT-890 and a Laptop and to kill him shelf. His lawyer at video ask sorry about this and says that his customer was drunk. [more...]
"Spionage wurde mir nicht vorgeworfen" - Stellungnahme von DJ6SI - Statement by DJ6SI
New Info by Statement of Baldur Drobnica Call Sign DJ6SI:
Source / Quelle: Link on Forum of DL2YMR :
Baldur DJ6SI
3. Juni 2012 von 20:46 (UTC 2)
Lieber Michael, Spionage wurde mir nicht vorgeworfen. Bei der Verhaftung wurde angegeben:
1. Funkbetrieb ohne Genehmigung der griechischen Behörden
2. Besitz eines Funkgerätes, mit dem man andere Frequenzen abhören kann
Bei der Anklage kam noch ein Punkt hinzu:
3. Verhinderung bei der Herausgabe des Notebooks.
Ich möchte dich bitten, den Hinweis, dass ich wegen Spionage verhaftet worden sei, herauszunehmen oder hier mein Statement einzustellen. Vy 73, Baldur, DJ6SI
Source / Quelle: Link on Forum of DL2YMR :
Baldur DJ6SI
3. Juni 2012 von 20:46 (UTC 2)
Lieber Michael, Spionage wurde mir nicht vorgeworfen. Bei der Verhaftung wurde angegeben:
1. Funkbetrieb ohne Genehmigung der griechischen Behörden
2. Besitz eines Funkgerätes, mit dem man andere Frequenzen abhören kann
Bei der Anklage kam noch ein Punkt hinzu:
3. Verhinderung bei der Herausgabe des Notebooks.
Ich möchte dich bitten, den Hinweis, dass ich wegen Spionage verhaftet worden sei, herauszunehmen oder hier mein Statement einzustellen. Vy 73, Baldur, DJ6SI
Freitag, März 16, 2012
Deutschlandradio Kultur: Buchvorstellung - Tom McCarthy: "K" -
Ein einziger Buchstabe, "K", steht für die Komplexität dieses Romans, für den Namen seines Protagonisten Serge Karrefax, für die vielen Korrespondenzen, Koinzidenzen und Kombinationen; er verknüpft Krieg, Kodes und Kokain, literarische wie mediale Klangräume. [mehr...]
Archäologie medialer Prägungen
Tom McCarthy: "K", DVA, München 2012, 473 Seiten
Montag, Juni 27, 2011
HAM Radio 2011 - Ballonprojekt 2011: Italienische Funkamateure bergen P56-Ballon
Update (27.06.2011 22:15): Das Foto zeigt Diego, IK3WUZ, nach der der von ihm organisierten Bergung unserer Nutzlast.
Update (26.06.2011 22:15): Die Nutzlast ist geborgen! Ersten Erkenntnissen zufolge soll die Nutzlast verhältnismäßig unversehrt sein. Sie wird nun für den Transport vorbereitet und dem Ballonteam umgehend zugesandt werden. Unser großer Dank gilt den italienischen Funkamateuren, ohne die eine Bergung wohl unmöglich gewesen wäre.
Update (26.06.2011 20:45): Die Nutzlast ist gefunden. Italienische Spezialisten sind gerade dabei, die in Bäumen hängende Box zu bergen. [mehr...]
Update (26.06.2011 22:15): Die Nutzlast ist geborgen! Ersten Erkenntnissen zufolge soll die Nutzlast verhältnismäßig unversehrt sein. Sie wird nun für den Transport vorbereitet und dem Ballonteam umgehend zugesandt werden. Unser großer Dank gilt den italienischen Funkamateuren, ohne die eine Bergung wohl unmöglich gewesen wäre.
Update (26.06.2011 20:45): Die Nutzlast ist gefunden. Italienische Spezialisten sind gerade dabei, die in Bäumen hängende Box zu bergen. [mehr...]
Sonntag, Juni 26, 2011
Ballon Projekt:: Ballon in italienischen Wald gefunden
Update (26.06.2011 14:00): Von den insgesamt 5 Jägern (2 Teams) sind am gestrigen Samstagabend vier abgereist und um 4:00 Uhr nachts wieder auf der Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen angekommen.
Nur Michael, DK3SML, ist vor Ort geblieben und heute Morgen nochmals in den Landebereich gegangen. Das Signal war dort noch kurzzeitig auf 70cm zu empfangen, dann war wohl die Batterie leer. Anhand der GPS-Koordinaten ist er auf ca. 10m an die Ballonnutzlast herangekommen und hat ihn in etwa 15m Höhe zwischen mehreren Bäumen gesichtet. [mehr...]
Ballon Projekt: Ballon in Italien gelandet - Bergung schwierig
(25.06.2011 22:00) Der P56 Wetterballon, welcher am Samstagvormittag um 11:15 Uhr auf der Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen gestartet war, ist in Italien bei Maso Greggion, in der Nähe des Parco Naturale Monte Corno (Naturpark Trudner Horn) gelandet.
Der Ballon konnte inzwischen lokalisiert werden, die Bergung gestaltet sich allerdings schwierig. Das P56-Team wird von lokalen Funkamateuren unterstützt.
Das gesamte Ballonteam dankt allen, die zum Erfolg der heutigen Mission beigetragen haben.
Samstag, Juni 25, 2011
Samstag, März 19, 2011
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Not - und Krisenkommunikation Funkamateure im Notfunk : Kontaminierte Lebensmittel der Region Sendia
Wie die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Not - und Krisenkommunikation Funkamateure im Notfunk berichtet, meldeten japanische Funkamateure, dass Lebensmittel wie Fisch, Milch und Früchte radioaktiv kontaminiert sind. Somit müssen Lebensmittel aus nichtgefärdeten Gebieten oder von außerhalb des Landes herangeschafft werden.
Mittwoch, März 16, 2011
Japan Earthquake - HAM Radio Updates- Emergency Info for Amateurradio
The following is from the IARU Region I Website.
Japan Earthquake - Update 4 Written by G0DUB for VK3PC Tuesday, 15 March 2011 14:28
Fresh information has been received from IARU Region 3 and JARL about the Amateur Radio response to the disaster and the frequencies in use Earthquake disaster facts emerge
Japan remains under its worst threat to an ever rising toll, widespread destruction, power, fuel and water shortages follow the massive earthquake, tsunami and failed 40-year old nuclear power station.
IARU Region 3 Secretary, Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP said the Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) HQ station JA1RL and other amateur stations are maintaining their effort to support the disaster relief operation.
Ken JA1CJP said, "In less damaged areas, the electric power supply is being restored gradually and local amateur radio club members have started to establish stations at shelters."
The information is being coordinated as part of an organised rescue and relief effort. It seems likely to continue for some weeks and months to come. The 8.9 on the Richter scale quake hit off north-eastern Sendai and triggered a ten-metre tsunami on Friday.
Ken JA1CJP quoting local news sources said, "The situation is getting worse. On March 15, police announced that 2,414 people have been killed (up from 1,627 24 hours earlier) and 3,118 are reported missing (about double in the same period). "Some 55,380 houses/buildings were damaged by the earthquake and 3,000 houses washed away by the tsunami."
Rescue teams have arrived and started their activities in the affected areas. They came from many nations including Korea, Singapore, New Zealand, China, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Australia and Russia.
In all the Japanese government has received help from 91 nations and territories and nine international organisations.
Ken JA1CJP said another worry is leakage of radio-active gasses at the Fukushima nuclear plant which was damaged by the earthquake and tsunami.
A shortage of fuel, disruption to rail and road transport have been reported from many affected areas still recovering from the worst earthquake in 140 years followed by a widespread tsunami that swept away so much.
JA1RL continues to operate under instruction to be an emergency traffic centre and increasingly receiving help from JARL members in the affected area. It is using the 7 MHz SSB, 144 MHz SSB/FM and 430 MHz SSB/FM.
Many other stations are active and are using various frequencies including some battery powered and others using small generators to exchange rescue and disaster relief operation information with JA1RL and others.
While 3525, 7030, 7043 and 7075 have been mentioned as in use, it\'s wise to keep those and all of the Centre of Emergency (CoA) clear of normal and non-urgent traffic. There is no call for additional foreign radio amateurs.
- Jim Linton, VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee. : Japanese earthquake disaster facts emerge
Japan remains under its worst threat to an ever rising toll, widespread destruction, power, fuel and water shortages follow the massive earthquake, tsunami and failed 40-year old nuclear power station.
IARU Region 3 Secretary, Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP said the Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) HQ station JA1RL and other amateur stations are maintaining their effort to support the disaster relief operation.
Ken JA1CJP said, ''In less damaged areas, the electric power supply is being restored gradually and local amateur radio club members have started to establish stations at shelters."
The information is being coordinated as part of an organised rescue and relief effort. It seems likely to continue for some weeks and months to come.
The 8.9 on the Richter scale quake hit off north-eastern Sendai and triggered a ten-metre tsunami on Friday.
Ken JA1CJP quoting local news sources said, "The situation is getting worse. On March 15, police announced that 2,414 people have been killed (up from 1,627 24 hours earlier) and 3,118 are reported missing (about double in the same period).
"Some 55,380 houses/buildings were damaged by the earthquake and 3,000 houses washed away by the tsunami."
Rescue teams have arrived and started their activities in the affected areas. They came from many nations including Korea, Singapore, New Zealand, China, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Australia and Russia.
In all the Japanese government has received help from 91 nations and territories and nine international organisations.
Ken JA1CJP said another worry is leakage of radio-active gasses at the Fukushima nuclear plant which was damaged by the earthquake and tsunami.
A shortage of fuel, disruption to rail and road transport have been reported from many affected areas still recovering from the worst earthquake in 140 years followed by a widespread tsunami that swept away so much.
JA1RL continues to operate under instruction to be an emergency traffic centre and increasingly receiving help from JARL members in the affected area.
It is using the 7 MHz SSB, 144 MHz SSB/FM and 430 MHz SSB/FM.
Many other stations are active and are using various frequencies including some battery powered and others using small generators to exchange rescue and disaster relief operation information with JA1RL and others.
While 3525, 7030, 7043 and 7075 have been mentioned as in use, it's wise to keep those and all of the Centre of Emergency (CoA) clear of normal and non-urgent traffic. There is no call for additional foreign radio amateurs.
Jim Linton, VK3PC
Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee.
IARU Region 3 Secretary, Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP said the Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) HQ station JA1RL and other amateur stations are maintaining their effort to support the disaster relief operation.
Ken JA1CJP said, ''In less damaged areas, the electric power supply is being restored gradually and local amateur radio club members have started to establish stations at shelters."
The information is being coordinated as part of an organised rescue and relief effort. It seems likely to continue for some weeks and months to come.
The 8.9 on the Richter scale quake hit off north-eastern Sendai and triggered a ten-metre tsunami on Friday.
Ken JA1CJP quoting local news sources said, "The situation is getting worse. On March 15, police announced that 2,414 people have been killed (up from 1,627 24 hours earlier) and 3,118 are reported missing (about double in the same period).
"Some 55,380 houses/buildings were damaged by the earthquake and 3,000 houses washed away by the tsunami."
Rescue teams have arrived and started their activities in the affected areas. They came from many nations including Korea, Singapore, New Zealand, China, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Australia and Russia.
In all the Japanese government has received help from 91 nations and territories and nine international organisations.
Ken JA1CJP said another worry is leakage of radio-active gasses at the Fukushima nuclear plant which was damaged by the earthquake and tsunami.
A shortage of fuel, disruption to rail and road transport have been reported from many affected areas still recovering from the worst earthquake in 140 years followed by a widespread tsunami that swept away so much.
JA1RL continues to operate under instruction to be an emergency traffic centre and increasingly receiving help from JARL members in the affected area.
It is using the 7 MHz SSB, 144 MHz SSB/FM and 430 MHz SSB/FM.
Many other stations are active and are using various frequencies including some battery powered and others using small generators to exchange rescue and disaster relief operation information with JA1RL and others.
While 3525, 7030, 7043 and 7075 have been mentioned as in use, it's wise to keep those and all of the Centre of Emergency (CoA) clear of normal and non-urgent traffic. There is no call for additional foreign radio amateurs.
Jim Linton, VK3PC
Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee.
Montag, März 14, 2011 Situation worsens after triple disasters hit Japan
Damage following the worst earthquake in 140 years and a tsumani that wiped away part of north-east Japan, comes news of power outages caused by major trouble at a nuclear power station.
Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP reports that according to police information as of 10am local time on March 14, the death toll is 1,627 and the reported missing person count is 1,720.
“It is only the official count and the number is still expected to increase. Thousands of bodies are reported to have been found on the coast of the tsunami suffered area,” he said.
A Miyagi prefecture source says that the death toll will be in the order of ten thousands in that prefecture alone.
The 8.9 on the Richter scale quake hit off north-eastern Sendai and triggered a ten-metre tsunami.
At the request of Central Emergency Communication Committee, Ken JA1CJP, the IARU Regional 3 Secretary, said the JARL is operating its HQ station JA1RL in Tokyo, and regional HQ stations.
Earlier it was reported that JA1RL was using 7 MHz SSB, 144 MHz SSB/FM and 430 MHz SSB/FM.
He said, “Many other radio amateurs are thanked for providing information and exchanging support to the rescue and disaster relief operations. Those who can operate in the affected areas are providing a lifeline for rescue teams and those at local shelters. Some stations are operating with car batteries and others with engine generators.”
Ken JA1CJP said, “Another problem is the nuclear power plant where the water supply system failure caused overheating of the nuclear fuel bar. That causes some radioactive gas release from the plant and people have been evacuated from the surrounding area.’’
The earthquake also damaged electric power generation plants fuelled by oil or natural gas, resulting in a shortage of electricity.
Tokyo Electric Power Company plans to stop supplying power to certain parts of its service area on rotation basis to cut power consumption. This shortage of power may also stop or restrict the operation of the train systems around Tokyo.
Jim Linton, VK3PC
Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee.
Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP reports that according to police information as of 10am local time on March 14, the death toll is 1,627 and the reported missing person count is 1,720.
“It is only the official count and the number is still expected to increase. Thousands of bodies are reported to have been found on the coast of the tsunami suffered area,” he said.
A Miyagi prefecture source says that the death toll will be in the order of ten thousands in that prefecture alone.
The 8.9 on the Richter scale quake hit off north-eastern Sendai and triggered a ten-metre tsunami.
At the request of Central Emergency Communication Committee, Ken JA1CJP, the IARU Regional 3 Secretary, said the JARL is operating its HQ station JA1RL in Tokyo, and regional HQ stations.
Earlier it was reported that JA1RL was using 7 MHz SSB, 144 MHz SSB/FM and 430 MHz SSB/FM.
He said, “Many other radio amateurs are thanked for providing information and exchanging support to the rescue and disaster relief operations. Those who can operate in the affected areas are providing a lifeline for rescue teams and those at local shelters. Some stations are operating with car batteries and others with engine generators.”
Ken JA1CJP said, “Another problem is the nuclear power plant where the water supply system failure caused overheating of the nuclear fuel bar. That causes some radioactive gas release from the plant and people have been evacuated from the surrounding area.’’
The earthquake also damaged electric power generation plants fuelled by oil or natural gas, resulting in a shortage of electricity.
Tokyo Electric Power Company plans to stop supplying power to certain parts of its service area on rotation basis to cut power consumption. This shortage of power may also stop or restrict the operation of the train systems around Tokyo.
Jim Linton, VK3PC
Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee.
Japan Earthquake - ISS Amateur Radio Station
Following the earthquake the ISS Amateur Radio Station Digipeater has been operational on 145.825MHz to handle APRS traffic in the disaster area.
A power outage has affected the Pacific side of some of North-East region (JA7) of Japan. This has meant APRS mobile activity in this area such as the Wakayama Red Cross JA3FRI-12 cannot be seen.
Following a request from Japan, Bob WB4APR, posted this to the AMSAT bulletin board regarding the availablity of the International Space Station AX.25 Packet Digipeater for APRS use:
We have advised Toyo san that ARISS APRS digipeater can be used over Japan for this purpose. Any APRS operators in the affected area can switch to ISS digipeater by simply changing frequency to 145.825. ISS is coming over Japan about 6 times a day in the afternoon.
The terrestrial path VIA WIDE?-? should work fine. But is better to change path to VIA ARISS so that the packets will be marked as having been digipeated by RS0ISS-4 each time.
We hope Astronauts can be sure to keep APRS digipeater operating over Japan on 145.825.
We hope that stations NOT in the disaster area can monitor the ISS downlink for emergency traffic and can IGATE the downlink into the APRS Internet System.
A power outage has affected the Pacific side of some of North-East region (JA7) of Japan. This has meant APRS mobile activity in this area such as the Wakayama Red Cross JA3FRI-12 cannot be seen.
Following a request from Japan, Bob WB4APR, posted this to the AMSAT bulletin board regarding the availablity of the International Space Station AX.25 Packet Digipeater for APRS use:
We have advised Toyo san that ARISS APRS digipeater can be used over Japan for this purpose. Any APRS operators in the affected area can switch to ISS digipeater by simply changing frequency to 145.825. ISS is coming over Japan about 6 times a day in the afternoon.
The terrestrial path VIA WIDE?-? should work fine. But is better to change path to VIA ARISS so that the packets will be marked as having been digipeated by RS0ISS-4 each time.
We hope Astronauts can be sure to keep APRS digipeater operating over Japan on 145.825.
We hope that stations NOT in the disaster area can monitor the ISS downlink for emergency traffic and can IGATE the downlink into the APRS Internet System.
Freitag, März 11, 2011
ARRL - American Amateur Radio Association: Massive Earthquake Hits Japan, Tsunami Warnings Issued
An 8.9 earthquake struck Japan at 2:46 JST (0546 UTC) on Friday, March 11. According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), this is largest earthquake in 140 years to hit the island nation. The earthquake occurred in the western Pacific Ocean, 81 miles east of Sendai, Honshu, Japan. Its epicenter was 232 miles from Tokyo. News reports by the Tokyo Broadcasting System indicate that at least 200 people have died and another 88,000 are missing in six different prefectures. The quake triggered tsunami waves as high as 33 feet off the coast of Japan. [more...]
Montag, September 13, 2010
ISS Fanclub: NA1SS (Col. Doug Wheelock) working U.S. and Canadian Stations on 11 September 2010 at 1719 UTC - Funkverbindungen zwischen der Internationalen Raumstation ISS und Funkamateuren
Funkverbindungen zwischen der Internationalen Raumstation ISS und Funkamateuren am 11.September 2010
Col. Doug Wheelock works U.S. and Canadian stations on 11 September 2010 at 1719 UTC. Stations worked include the following: KD4WHZ, Ronnie in MS, KB3MJI, K3BVU, K1WY, KB8 (Canton, OH), N1AGE, KX (MA), N2JF, W1DEY, N (RI) and VE9NPS. [more... Audio File]
Col. Doug Wheelock works U.S. and Canadian stations on 11 September 2010 at 1719 UTC. Stations worked include the following: KD4WHZ, Ronnie in MS, KB3MJI, K3BVU, K1WY, KB8 (Canton, OH), N1AGE, KX (MA), N2JF, W1DEY, N (RI) and VE9NPS. [more... Audio File]
Sonntag, August 29, 2010
Pakistan Ham Radio Society: P.A.R.S Members Flood Relief Efforts - Funkamateure richten Kommunikationsverbindungen ein
Man benötigt gebrauchte oder neue Funkanlagen. link>
Link: Pakistanische Funkamateur Vereinigung
Flood Relief
Rx 145.400MHz
Tx 144.200
CTCSS 88.5Hz
14.300 MHz
CTCSS 88.55
IRESC (Echolink)
P.A.R.S Members Flood Relief Efforts
Nasir Khan AP2NK (President, PARS)
Add: H# 30 , Street 28 , Shalimar F-6/1 Islamabad
Phone:+92 (0)300 5230052 or +92 (0)51 2273755
Email: ap2nk.nasir(at)
Muhammad Khalid Shoaib AP2MKS
Phone:+92 (0)333 5106595
Email: khalid.shoaib(at)
Asadullah Marwat AP2AUM
Phone:+92 (0)300 8529852
Email: ap2aum(at)
Fragen auch an Blogger: Wolfgang Rathgeber TV Journalist (DK5KF Funkamateur) dk5kf(at)
Diashow on
Sonntag, August 01, 2010
RP-Online: Deutscher Ingenieur im Libanon wieder frei
Ein im Libanon unter dem Verdacht der Spionage für Israel festgenommener deutscher Ingenieur ist nach einer Befragung wieder auf freien Fuß gesetzt worden. Dies erklärten ein Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amtes in Berlin und die libanesischen Behörden am Mittwoch. Die deutsche Botschaft in Beirut habe mit dem Betroffenen gesprochen. Er sei zu keinem Zeitpunkt verhaftet gewesen, teilte der Ministeriumssprecher mit. [mehr...]
Samstag, Juli 31, 2010
Spiegel Online: Hobbyfunker in der Käsefabrik
Ein deutscher Agent in Jerusalems Diensten? Der Molkerei-Experte Manfred Peter H. lebt seit Jahren im Libanon und arbeitet dort für einen Käsehersteller. Nun steht er unter dem Verdacht, für Israel spioniert zu haben. Einer der Anhaltspunkte: Er soll ein hochmodernes Funkgerät besitzen. [mehr...]
Kommentar vom Blogger Wolfgang Rathgeber (DK5KF) TV Journalist:
Funkamateure sind Personen, die eine Lizenzprüfung vor der zuständigen Fernmeldebehörde ablegen müssen, um überhaupt auf den Amateurfunkbändern funken zu dürfen. Gehen sie ins Ausland, können sie bei der zuständigen Landesbehörde eine Gastlizenz beantragen. Wenn sie die erhalten , dürfen sie im Rahmen der Amateurfunkgesetze aus dem jeweiligen Land senden. Vor dem in ihrem Heimatland zugeteilten Rufzeichen müssen sie dann den Landeskenner des Gastlandes setzen. In diesem Falle zum Beispiel OD5/ DK5KF.
Im vorliegenden Fall war der deutsche Funkamateur mit einem Rufzeichen und dem vorgesetzten Landeskenner berechtigt zu senden.
Der Aufenthalt des deutschen Funkamateurs im Libanon wurde durch so genannte DX (Weitverkehrmeldungen) den Funkamateuren in aller Welt vorher bekannt gemacht. Die sind interessiert mal wieder eine Verbindung mit einem seltenen Land herstellen zu können. Mit einer so genannten QSL Karte wir diese Verbindung bestätigt. Außerdem besitzen Funkamateure meist hochtechnische Geräte. Es sind keine CB Funker! Mit Ihrer Linzenz mussten sie Nachweise über technisches Verständnis Betriebstechnik und auch in bestimmten Lizenklassen Morsekenntnisse nachweisen.
Einer der bekanntesten Funkamateure war König Hussein von Jordanien. Sein Rufzeichen JY1. Nach wie vor sind Mitglieder seiner Familie aus dem königlichen Palast in Aman auf den Kurzwellenbändern aktiv.
Wolfgang Rathgeber
TV Journalist und lizensierter Funkamateur (DK5KF)
International Radio Regulations:
Kommentar vom Blogger Wolfgang Rathgeber (DK5KF) TV Journalist:
Funkamateure sind Personen, die eine Lizenzprüfung vor der zuständigen Fernmeldebehörde ablegen müssen, um überhaupt auf den Amateurfunkbändern funken zu dürfen. Gehen sie ins Ausland, können sie bei der zuständigen Landesbehörde eine Gastlizenz beantragen. Wenn sie die erhalten , dürfen sie im Rahmen der Amateurfunkgesetze aus dem jeweiligen Land senden. Vor dem in ihrem Heimatland zugeteilten Rufzeichen müssen sie dann den Landeskenner des Gastlandes setzen. In diesem Falle zum Beispiel OD5/ DK5KF.
Im vorliegenden Fall war der deutsche Funkamateur mit einem Rufzeichen und dem vorgesetzten Landeskenner berechtigt zu senden.
Der Aufenthalt des deutschen Funkamateurs im Libanon wurde durch so genannte DX (Weitverkehrmeldungen) den Funkamateuren in aller Welt vorher bekannt gemacht. Die sind interessiert mal wieder eine Verbindung mit einem seltenen Land herstellen zu können. Mit einer so genannten QSL Karte wir diese Verbindung bestätigt. Außerdem besitzen Funkamateure meist hochtechnische Geräte. Es sind keine CB Funker! Mit Ihrer Linzenz mussten sie Nachweise über technisches Verständnis Betriebstechnik und auch in bestimmten Lizenklassen Morsekenntnisse nachweisen.
Einer der bekanntesten Funkamateure war König Hussein von Jordanien. Sein Rufzeichen JY1. Nach wie vor sind Mitglieder seiner Familie aus dem königlichen Palast in Aman auf den Kurzwellenbändern aktiv.
Wolfgang Rathgeber
TV Journalist und lizensierter Funkamateur (DK5KF)
International Radio Regulations:
Amateur services
(Updated by the decisions of the WRC-03)
(Updated by the decisions of the WRC-03)
25.1 § 1. Radiocommunication between amateur stations of different countries shall be permitted unless the administration of one of the countries concerned has notified that it objects to such radiocommunications. (WRC-03)
25.2 § 2. 1) Transmissions between amateur stations of different countries shall be limited to communications incidental to the purposes of the amateur service, as defined in No. 1.56 and to remarks of a personal character. (WRC-03)
25.2A § 2. 1bis) Transmissions between amateur stations of different countries shall not be encoded for the purpose of obscuring their meaning, except for control signals exchanged between earth command stations and space stations in the amateur-satellite service. (WRC-03)
25.3 2) Amateur stations may be used for transmitting international communications on behalf of third parties only in case of emergencies or disaster relief. An administration may determine the applicability of this provision to amateur stations under its jurisdiction. (WRC-03)
25.4 not used
25.5 § 3. 1) Administrations shall determine whether or not a person seeking a licence to operate an amateur station shall demonstrate the ability to send and receive texts in Morse code signals. (WRC-03)
25.6 2) Administrations shall verify the operational and technical qualifications of any person wishing to operate an amateur station. Guidance for standards of competence may be found in the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M.1544. (WRC-03)
25.7 § 4. The maximum power of amateur stations shall be fixed by the administrations concerned. (WRC-03)
25.8 § 5. 1) All pertinent Articles and provisions of the Constitution, the Convention and of these Regulations shall apply to amateur stations. (WRC-03)
25.9 2) During the course of their transmissions, amateur stations shall transmit their call sign at short intervals.
25.9A § 5A Administrations are encouraged to take the necessary steps to allow amateur stations to prepare for and meet communication needs in support of disaster relief. (WRC-03)
25.9B § 5B An administration may determine whether or not to permit a person who has been granted a licence to operate an amateur station by another administration to operate an amateur station while that person is temporarily in its territory, subject to such conditions or restrictions it may impose. (WRC-03)
25.10 § 6. The provisions of Section I of this Article shall apply equally, as appropriate, to the amateur-satellite service.
25.11 § 7. Administrations authorizing space stations in the amateur-satellite service shall ensure that sufficient earth command stations are established before launch to ensure that any harmful interference caused by emissions from a station in the amateur-satellite service can be terminated immediately (see No. 22.1).
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