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Posts mit dem Label War werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Samstag, November 17, 2012 Deaths as Israel expands air assaults on Gaza

Eight Palestinians are killed, as Israeli warplanes hit Hamas government compounds, tunnels and power transformers. [mehr...]

Freitag, November 16, 2012

zeit online: Schwere Explosion nach Luftalarm in Tel Aviv

In der israelischen Metropole Tel Aviv haben Alarmsirenen am Freitag erneut die Bevölkerung vor einem Angriff gewarnt. In der Stadt war eine schwere Explosion zu hören. [mehr...]

spiegel online: Tel Aviv löst Luftalarm aus - schwere Explosion

Die Lage in Nahost spitzt sich zu: Zum zweiten Mal ist in Tel Aviv Luftalarm ausgelöst worden, kurz darauf war eine schwere Explosion zu hören. Die Luftwaffe Israels bombardiert weiter Gaza, Kanzlerin Merkel macht die Hamas für die Gewalt-Eskalation verantwortlich. [mehr...]

Donnerstag, November 15, 2012

zeit online: Israel lässt 30.000 Reservisten einberufen

Israel bereitet sich darauf vor, die Gaza-Offensive auszuweiten. Zuvor gab es erstmals seit Jahrzehnten Luftalarm in Tel Aviv – zwei Raketen verfehlten die Stadt knapp. [mehr...]

the jerusalem post: Air Force hits 70 Gaza Strip targets in an hour

Israel strikes 320 targets in the Strip since launching Operation Pillar of Defense with assassination of Hamas military chief; 16 Palestinians killed; Gazans fire over 270 rockets into South, killing 3. [more...]

new york times: Rocket Attacks and Airstrikes Intensify in Gaza Conflict

KIRYAT MALACHI, Israel — Israel and Hamas widened their deadly conflict over Gaza on Thursday, as militants fired dozens of rockets — including one that killed three civilians in an apartment block in this small southern Israeli town — and two longer-range rockets aimed at Tel Aviv, causing no harm but triggering the first air raid warning there set off by incoming fire from Gaza. The death toll in Gaza from Israeli airstrikes rose to at least 16, including four children and a pregnant teenager. [more...]

Mittwoch, Mai 18, 2011

spiegel online: Zehn Tote bei Krawallen vor Bundeswehr-Camp

Im Einsatzgebiet der Bundeswehr in Afghanistan hat es einen tödlichen Zwischenfall gegeben. Bei einer Kundgebung vor einem Lager der Deutschen kamen mindestens zehn Menschen ums Leben. Afghanische Polizisten, aber auch deutsche Soldaten sollen auf gewalttätige Demonstranten geschossen haben. [mehr...]

Samstag, Oktober 23, 2010

New York Times: The Iraq Archive: The Strands of a War - Spiegel Online: Irak Protokolle

A huge trove of secret field reports from the battlegrounds of Iraq sheds new light on the war, including such fraught subjects as civilian deaths, detainee abuse and the involvement of Iran.
The secret archive is the second such cache obtained by the independent organization WikiLeaks and made available to several news organizations. Like the first release, some 92,000 reports covering six years of the war in Afghanistan, the Iraq documents provide no earthshaking revelations, but they offer insight, texture and context from the people actually fighting the war. A close analysis of the 391,832 documents helps illuminate several important aspects of this war: [more...]

Spiegel Online:Irak Protokolle
Spiegel Online: Höllenfeuer aus dem Himmel

Sonntag, August 15, 2010

Wired: Cyberwar Against Wikileaks? Good Luck With That

Should the U.S. government declare a cyberwar against WikiLeaks?

On Thursday, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told a gathering in London that the secret-spilling website is moving ahead with plans to publish the remaining 15,000 records from the Afghan war logs, despite a demand from the Pentagon that WikiLeaks “return” its entire cache of published and unpublished classified U.S. documents. .................
Since the Afghan war logs were posted, it’s emerged the 77,000 records already published contain the names of hundreds of Afghan informants, who now face potentially deadly reprisal from the Taliban. WikiLeaks’ publication of those records has drawn criticism from human rights organizations and the international free press group Reporters Without Borders.

Freitag, August 13, 2010

Guardian: Afghanistan war logs: WikiLeaks urged to remove thousands of names

Human rights groups including Amnesty raise fears of 'deadly ramifications' for people named in secret US files.
Human rights groups have urged the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks to remove thousands of names from the leaked Afghanistan war logs over fears of "deadly ramifications" for the people identified. [more...

Spiegel Online: USA warnen vor Veröffentlichung weiterer Afghanistan-Dokumente

Die Enthüllungsplattform WikiLeaks will 15.000 weitere Geheimdokumente zum Krieg in Afghanistan veröffentlichen - die US-Regierung ist alarmiert: Ein solcher Schritt wäre "der Gipfel der Verantwortungslosigkeit", so das Verteidigungsministerium. [mehr...]

Sonntag, August 01, 2010

WIRED: WikiLeaks Posts Mysterious ‘Insurance’ File

In the wake of strong U.S. government statements condemning WikiLeaks’ recent publishing of 77,000 Afghan War documents, the secret-spilling site has posted a mysterious encrypted file labeled “insurance.” [more...]

Freitag, Juli 30, 2010

New York Times Blog "Caucus": Political Points: WikiLeaks and Watchdogs

The Times’s Jeff Zeleny, Eric Schmitt and Floyd Norris join Sam Roberts to discuss the newly released U.S. military documents on the war in Afghanistan and the search for the first head of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. [more...]

NPR (Public Radio): Reporter's View: How The WikiLeaks Story Developed

WikiLeaks' release of more than 90,000 military intelligence reports to The New York Times, The Guardian and Der Spiegel revealed many new insights long suspected but never corroborated about the war in Afghanistan. [more...]

Spiegel Online: Washington macht gegen WikiLeaks mobil

US-Präsident Obama will Härte demonstrieren - und neue Kriegsenthüllungen um jeden Preis vermeiden. Seine Regierung nimmt jetzt WikiLeaks-Gründer Assange ins Visier: Er sei ein linker Eiferer und gefährde das Leben der US-Soldaten. Sogar rechtliche Schritte werden geprüft. [mehr...]

Donnerstag, Juli 29, 2010

Tagesspiegel: Verräter! Verräter? - (WikiLeaks)

Der Feldjägerbericht zu Kundus und andere Geheimdokumente: macht sie öffentlich
Es ist ein Team von Namenlosen, das den Regierungen und Unternehmen dieser Welt seit drei Jahren das Lügen schwer macht. Ihre Identität ist unbekannt, ihre Adresse nicht: [mehr...]

Dienstag, Juli 27, 2010

Wired: Taliban Pays Its Troops Better Than Karzai Pays His

Are the Taliban shelling out more money for their fighters than the U.S. and the international community are for Afghan security forces? The American military says no, and e-mails the chart below to make its case. But it’s not the most persuasive document. And it’s undermined by one of the reports in WikiLeaks’ trove of war logs. [more...]

Montag, Juli 26, 2010

New York Times: The War Logs

Americans fighting the war in Afghanistan have long harbored strong suspicions that Pakistan’s military spy service has guided the Afghan insurgency with a hidden hand, even as Pakistan receives more than $1 billion a year from Washington for its help combating the militants, according to a trove of secret military field reports to be made public Sunday. [more...]

Spiegel Online: Die Afghanistan-Protokolle

The Guardian UK: The Afghanistan WAR LOGS

WikiLeaks: Kabul War Diary

Dienstag, Juni 08, 2010

Wired: U.S. Intelligence Analyst Arrested in Wikileaks Video Probe - Geheimes Irakvideo - Armee Analyst verhaftet -

Federal officials have arrested an Army intelligence analyst who boasted of giving classified U.S. combat video and hundreds of thousands of classified State Department records to whistleblower site Wikileaks, has learned. [more...]

Spiegel Online: Ex-Hacker soll WikiLeaks-Quelle an Militär verpfiffen haben