Donnerstag, März 17, 2011 : Risk of radiation response (translated from vietnamese to english)

(ANTD) - Japan and the international community are joining efforts to deal with risks that may occur on the nuclear crisis after the game super magnitude 9 earthquake recently. Vietnam remains safe nuclear accident in Japan / Vietnam Meet citizens returning from Japan

Check for radioactive contamination Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima.

Latest news from Japan, said a fire happen again at the Fukushima nuclear power plant No. 1 in the morning 16-3. This was the second fire in four nuclear power plants after a very strong impact of the earthquake on 11-3.

TV images directly from the Fukushima No. 1 plant showed white smoke rises in the reactor No. 3. According to the Cabinet Office of Japan Yukio Edano, the appearance of smoke is caused by "capable of reactor casing has been damaged."

Safety Agency and the nuclear industry in Japan (Nisa) said radioactive levels at the entrance of the Fukushima No. 1 plant was abruptly increased to 10 milli Sievert per hour, the level can affect health man, on the morning of 16-3. However, Nisa, increased levels of radiation due to radiation can escape from the second reactor of the plant.

By increasing the concentration of radioactive mutants, Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco units

"Tomorrow is father to the factory Fukushima, when I heard father, who will retire again after half a year, volunteers to go, I cried. "The decision today will likely change the future of the Fukushima factory," said his father's words made me feel proud, hopefully he'll be peace. "

Aoto Namico said via Twitter

owners and factory managers Fukushima No. 1) has decided to withdraw about 800 employees from the danger area. Tepco also decided to cancel plans have been approved by the government to use helicopters to pour water to cool reactors on 16-3.

"Tomorrow is father to the factory Fukushima, when I heard father, who will retire again after half a year, volunteers to go, I cried. "The decision today will likely change the future of the Fukushima factory," said his father's words made me feel proud, hopefully he'll be peace. "

However, 16-3 pm, Yukio Edano again that the employee resolve the nuclear have plans to reach back to the nuclear reactor because of earthquake damage. But no final decision on the mode and time again the area is considered dangerous.

Before widespread concern, Prime Minister of Japan Naoto Kan went on television to inform people about the serious situation at the Fukushima nuclear power plant No. 1. According to him, four of six reactors at the plant "has a problem."

Until now, Japan has completed the evacuation of about 180,000 people live in areas with a radius of 20km around the Fukushima No. 1 plant. More than 140,000 residents living within a radius of 30km of the plant were also asked to stay indoors.

Prevent the risk of nuclear disaster, Japan has requested Agency International Atomic Energy (IAEA) quickly dispatched nuclear experts to help deal with nuclear incidents. Japan wants international experts to help make a fair assessment and risk-neutral nuclear disaster in the country.

IAEA is currently interested in the fire and explosion at the nuclear reactor and the risk of radioactive nuclear power plant in Fukushima No. 1. Yukiya Amano IAEA Director General said that "the current situation is very complicated and difficult to predict," but the first "nuclear accident in Fukushima present other than the Chernobyl disaster in 1989."

Japan has also officially request South Korea to provide 52 tons of boron, an important chemical works to stop or slow down the fission reactions in nuclear reactors. The Korean government announced on 16-3 will soon move to Japan this chemical.

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