Freitag, Mai 01, 2009

Susan Boyle sings "Cry Me a River" on a 1999 Charity CD

Susan Boyle did her first recording back in 1999, when she sang blues ballad Cry Me A River for a charity CD.

Report in Daily Record Magazine

Report in Telegraph UK - Early recording of Britain's Got Talent's Susan Boyle unearthed - Demo of "Killing Me Softly with His Song"

Susan Boyle in Britain's Talent Show 11.04.09

Susan Boyle, 48 years old, was the big suprise on British Talent Show 11.04.09.
More than 50.000.000 hits on On YouTube and many reports in TV - Radio - and Newspapers worldwide. On YouTube round 220.000 comments.

Dienstag, April 28, 2009

New York Times: Tracking Swine Flu Cases Worldwide

Tracking Swine Flu Cases Worldwide
Health officials continue to report mild cases of swine flu throughout the United States and worldwide. There have been no deaths outside of Mexico. The number of deaths in Mexico that officials suspect to have been caused by the flu is 152. more....

Montag, April 27, 2009

Dienstag, April 21, 2009

Somali Pirates' Homemade Hijacking Video - Piraten Video -

By Evan Hansen
The 10 minute 42 second video, taken by the pirates themselves, is both oddly intimate yet strangely banal. It takes place aboard the Yasa Neslihan, a vessel manned by a crew of 20 Turks captured by Somali pirates on October 29, 2008. The vessel and crew were released unharmed on Jan. 6, 2009, after a ransom was paid. more on "DANGER ROOM" Blog on blog

Mittwoch, April 08, 2009

Man dies during G20 protests in London- Channel 4 - The video made by a businessman was published by "The Guardian" UK

Ian Tomlinson, the man who died at last week's G20 protests in London, was attacked from behind and thrown to the ground by a baton-wielding police officer in riot gear, dramatic footage obtained by the Guardian shows. More Guardian Report with Video...

Another video "The Telegraph" >

Montag, April 06, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire - Trailer

From Danny Boyle, director of Trainspotting and 28 Days Later, comes the story of Jamal Malik, an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is about to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"

more of "Slumdog Millionaire" on Youtube

Sonntag, März 22, 2009


DIE FALSCHE "ZEIT"- The wrong "Die Zeit" newspaper made by ATTAC

ATTAC website >

Street Children in India

Problem of Street Children in Jaipur.... Children in Chains adovcates the rights of poor children living in India... All children have the same right to develop their potential -- all children, in all situations, all of the time, everywhere. Lets Join Hand and make people aware of

Children in Chains' featured in Video for I-India Organisation.
The song written and performed by Marisa has been featured in this video highlighting the desperate situation of so many children in Jaipur, India today. Tom Rogerson played slide and lead guitar on the track along with Melinda Petch on backing vocals.

Website Streetchildren India

Mittwoch, März 18, 2009

Undercover Teacher - TV Documentation by Channel 4

Undercover Teacher follows former science teacher Alex Dolan, as she uses a hidden camera to reveal the depressing conditions at three of the country's most troubled secondary schools in Leeds and London.

Channel 4

Mittwoch, März 11, 2009

Police: 10 slain in German school shooting- Gunman dressed in black flees after opening fire at technical high school

STUTTGART, Germany - German police said at least 10 people were killed after a gunman dressed in black opened fire at a high school in the south of the country on Wednesday.
STUTTGART, Germany - German police said at least 10 people were killed after a gunman dressed in black opened fire at a high school in the south of the country on Wednesday.
Police spokesman Klaus Hinderer said the attacker had fled the Albertville technical high school in Winnenden, near Stuttgart, and police were searching for him. The school was evacuated. more....

German Spiegel:Mindestens zehn Tote bei Amoklauf in Realschule

Montag, März 09, 2009

Airplane Cabin Air: It’s Toxic

By Kimberly • February 26, 2008

Nausea, headaches, memory loss, neurological illness, paralysis… from flying?

Indeed. When you’re on a plane, you’re likely breathing in toxic fumes from the cabin air.

According to the Daily Mail, half of the air in your plane “comes from the blisteringly hot heart of its engines… [and] once it has been cooled down, that air, together with any toxins it might have picked up along the way, passes straight into the aircraft cabin totally unfiltered.” And this has been happening since 1962, when airlines realized it was cheaper to recycle engine air than to make air from the outside breathable. more...


>ABC Australia
>German TV ARD Plusminus
>German TV WDR
>Swiss TV Kassensturz

Samstag, Februar 21, 2009

Michael Jackson lined up for O2 concerts

Adam Sherwin and Helen Nugent
It's a tantalising prospect for the millions who worshipped Michael Jackson in his Moonwalking heyday. Could the former King of Pop retrieve his crown with a spectacular run of comeback concerts at the O2 Arena?
Negotiations are at an advanced stage, The Times has learnt, for the debt-ridden superstar to return to the stage with a residency of up to 30 concerts at the London venue.> more... in TIMES

Freitag, Februar 20, 2009

The Miami Herald: Miami banker gives $60 million of his own to employees/Banker zahlt 60 Millionen Dollar an seine Mitarbeiter aus eigener Tasche

Lots of bosses say they value their employees. Some even mean it.

And then there's Leonard Abess Jr.

After selling a majority stake in Miami-based City National Bancshares last November, all he did was take $60 million of the proceeds -- $60 million out of his own pocket -- and hand it to his tellers, bookkeepers, clerks, everyone on the payroll. All 399 workers on the staff received bonuses, and he even tracked down 72 former employees so they could share in the windfall. more...

How the employees use the money >

Mittwoch, Februar 11, 2009

New York Times: Uncovering Lost Path of the Most Wanted Nazi

Published: February 4, 2009 New York Times

CAIRO — Even in old age the imposingly tall, athletic German known to locals as Tarek Hussein Farid maintained the discipline to walk some 15 miles each day through the busy streets of Egypt’s capital. He walked to the world-renowned Al Azhar mosque here, where he converted to Islam, and to the ornate J. Groppi Cafe downtown, where he ordered the chocolate cakes he sent to friends and bought the bonbons he gave to their children, who called him Uncle Tarek. more...

Photos in New York Time

ZDF German TV Documentation

ISS QSO WITH "Städtisches Gymnasium Herzogenrath, Herzogenrath, German" Sat (Feb 07) at 10:36 UTC - Callsign on earth DR0G and in space OR 4ISS

Sat (Feb 07) at 10:36 UTC ISS "International Space Shuttle" in QSO with "Städtisches Gymnasium Herzogenrath, Herzogenrath, Germany" Recorded by IW7DLE Mario in JN80XP, Brindisi, ITALY VHF 145.800 Mhz - FM

Stadtisches Gymnasium Herzogenrath ARISS Contact listening from Casale Monferrato (Italy)

February 7, 2008 10:36 UTC
Recorded from Casale Monferrato (Italy) JN45FD in School "Alighieri-Trevigi" preparing for a future direct ARISS contact with callsign IZ1PAY.
At the school IK1SLD, I1QEQ, IK1YFE, IW1BND and the cameraman IW1ANL

Dienstag, Februar 03, 2009

Luftfahrt ungefiltert eingeatmet - Plusminus ARD/WDR, Dienstag, 3. Februar 2009 um 21.50 Uhr im Ersten

Die Luft an Bord von Linienmaschinen ist längst nicht so sauber, wie immer angenommen wird. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Redaktion „Kassensturz“ vom Schweizer Fernsehen wurden in den vergangenen Monaten bei Stichproben über 30 Abstriche in Verkehrsflugzeugen namhafter Fluggesellschaften gemacht. 28 Proben weisen zum Teil sehr hohe Anteile von Trikresylphosphat (TCP) auf. Dabei handelt es sich um eine ausschließlich dem Triebwerksöl beigefügte Chemikalie, aus der Gruppe der organischen Phosphate, die als Nervengift bekannt ist. mehr....

Dienstag, Januar 27, 2009

I was born to win - Nick Vujicic (life without limbs)

Nick Vujicic (born December 4, 1982) is a preacher, a motivational speaker and the director of Life Without Limbs, an organization for the physically disabled.
Early life

The first-born child in his devout Serbian Christian family, Nick Vujicic was born in Melbourne, Australia with the rare Tetra-amelia disorder: limbless, missing both arms at shoulder level, and having one small foot with two toes protruding from his left thigh. Initially, his parents were devastated. Vujicic was otherwise healthy... (Wikipedia)
more on wikipedia ...

Live without Limbs

Samstag, Januar 24, 2009


Image Copyright: Flash Studios

Team Missing Link have won the Amundsen Omega 3 South Pole Race. The Norwegians crossed the line and arrived at the Geographic South Pole at 7pm today, completing the race 770km in 17 days and 11 hours. Watching the team cross was a historic and momentous occasion, they linked arms held high in the air as they walked to the Pole and planted a Norwegian flag. They stopped at the Pole and talked about their tremendous journey, the difficulties they have faced and their joy and pride at arriving at the Pole. The Norwegians have once won the race to the South Pole, the first since Scott and Amundsen. Missing Link wanted to commend QinetiQ for making it a fantastic race. After all their hard work Missing Link will now get to spend some time at the Pole, resting, relaxing, eating and enjoying being at the Top of the Bottom of the World.

Team QinetiQ have had a really good day, are feeling in high spirits and expect to arrive at the Pole early tomorrow afternoon. Due South, Danske Bank, South Pole Flag and Southern Lights are all one day closer to the Pole – the air at the South Pole is crackling with excitement for their arrival.

Race Positions

1st South Pole: Team Missing Link
2nd 719km Team Qinetiq
3rd 653km Team Danske Bank
4th 608km Team Due South (they have not travelled as far as south pole flag butthey are closer to the pole than south pole flag)
5th 625km Team South Pole Flag
6th n/a Team Southern Lights


UK Antarktic Heritage Trust

Dienstag, Januar 06, 2009

Crisis Wire - Israeli-palestinian-december-conflict

CrisisWire aggregates information about a specific crisis or disaster event from many different sources, including:
Google Maps
News websites
UStream chat
Text, photos and videos tagged with specific keywords appear on one page so a clear picture of what is currently happening is possible.

CrisisWire depends on citizen journalists as well as traditional media outlets.
The information is not curated, so you must evaluate its worth or accuracy for yourself.

If you would like to contribute to the stream about a specific event, note the tags being used for that event and tag your online content with at least one of them.
CrisisWire was created and is maintained by volunteers from RefreshSD, a community of web designers, developers and marketers in San Diego, California.

International Federation of Red Cross

Erdgaswege aus Russland - The ways of Gas from Russia

Spiegel Online more....

Mittwoch, Dezember 24, 2008

Dec. 24, 1968: Christmas Eve Greetings From Lunar Orbit

1968: The crew of Apollo 8 delivers a live, televised Christmas Eve broadcast after becoming the first humans to orbit another space body.
Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and William Anders made their now-celebrated broadcast after entering lunar orbit on Christmas Eve, which might help explain the heavy religious content of the message. After announcing the arrival of lunar sunrise, each astronaut read from the Book of Genesis. more....

Montag, Dezember 08, 2008

WDR Markt 8.12.08 21:00 Uhr: Beim Kauf von einem Auto, bekommt man ein Zweites gratis

Der belgische Autohändler Cardoen, mit acht Filialen in Belgien verkauft ein Auto zum Listenpreis, und gibt eines GRATIS hinzu.Bericht am 08.12.08 im WDR Fernsehen "Markt" um 21.00 Uhr.
Autor: Wolfgang Rathgeber

Für 22800.- Euro verkauft der Autohändler Cardoen in seinen acht Filialen in Belgien einen Hyundai 6 Sitzer VAN und der Kunde bekommt einen KIA Rio gratis hinzu. Das ist das beste Angebot, das Ivo Willems, Direktor der Firma seit dem 29.11.2008 seinen Kunden macht. Wer sowieso zwei Autos kaufen will könnte ein Schnäppchen machen, denn bis zu 35% Rabatt gewährt das Unternehmen, so jedenfalls gibt es der Direktor an. "Es komme eben auf die Kombination an", so Ivo Willems. Die Fahrzeuge sind mit einem roten und gelben Punkt versehen. Der Preis des roten Autos ist ein unverbindlicher Richtpreis, den man zahlen muss, um eine Auto mit gelben Punkt seiner Wahl gratis zu bekommen. Gratis heißt, ein Rabatt, den man normalerweise beim Kauf eines Wagens aushandeln kann, ist das zweite Fahrzeug. In kürzester Zeit verkaufte das belgische Unternehmen zahlreiche Autos, wie es woanders in dieser Krise wohl kaum üblich ist. "Wir werden nicht nicht reich. Aber es geht um was anderes. Wir wollen statt schlechte Nachrichten aus der Branche, gute Nachrichten bringen", meint Direktor Ivo Willems, der sich als charismatischer Verkäufer vor der Kamera präsentiert. Empfehlenswert ist es doch die Preise bei einem anderen Händler zu prüfen, der ja auch Rabatte gewährt. Auch ist es entscheidend, ob man ein zweites Auto überhaupt will. Auch wenn man den zweiten Wagen verkaufen will, dürfte das in der heutigen Zeit nicht leicht sein. Für Käufer außerhalb Deutschlands wird die Mehrwertsteuer, die in Belgien 21% beträgt herausgerechnet. In Deutschland müsste die Mehrwertsteuer von 19% wieder an das Finanzamt gezahlt werden. Außerdem muss der Wagen TÜV abgenommen werden, und deutsche Papiere bekommen. Kosten rund 200,00 Euro. Mitte Dezember endet diese belgische Aktion. Ob sie verlängert wird ist noch nicht klar. Sie wird vielleicht auch in Deutschland Nachahmer finden.

Autor: Wolfgang Rathgeber

Donnerstag, November 27, 2008


Global Voices is a non-profit global citizens’ media project founded at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society, a research think-tank focused on the Internet’s impact on society.

How Global Voices Works:
Global Voices seeks to aggregate, curate, and amplify the global conversation online - shining light on places and people other media often ignore. We work to develop tools, institutions and relationships that will help all voices, everywhere, to be heard. more...