Freitag, Februar 01, 2013

bbc: Turkey: deadly blast outside US embassy in Ankara

A blast outside the US embassy in the Turkish capital, Ankara, has killed at least two people, with reports that it was a suicide bomber. [mehr...]

Donnerstag, Januar 31, 2013

new york times: Stupid German Tricks, Wearing Thin on TV

The black telescoping arm of the Supertechno 30 camera crane swooped over the live television audience, as the scent of pyrotechnics from a Swedish band’s performance lingered in the air. The Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington watched as a German man wearing goggles stuck his finger in a bottle and made a popping sound. [more...]

Spott über ZDF-Show: "New York Times" lästert über "Wetten, dass..?"

wiwo: Sexismus: Ist Brüderle Opfer oder Täter?


Mittwoch, Januar 30, 2013

golem: Facebook statt Tracking-Cookie

Unter dem unscheinbaren Namen "Optimized CPM" führt Facebook für seine Werbekunden eine neue Möglichkeit zum Tracking ein. Nutzer werden dabei anhand ihrer Facebook-ID eindeutig identifiziert, besser als es mit Tracking-Cookies möglich ist. [mehr...]

cicero: Fertig machen zur Selbstausbeutung


welt online: Deutschland fällt bei Pressefreiheit auf Rang 17


Reporter Without Boarders listing

spiegel online: Neues Beitragssystem: Stadt Köln stellt Zahlung von Rundfunkgebühr ein

Der Streit über den neuen Rundfunkbeitrag erreicht nun sogar die Kommunen.  [mehr...]

spiegel online: Neue Rundfunkgebühr: Kommunalverbände drohen mit GEZ-Boykott


Donnerstag, Januar 24, 2013

Action: Water and sanitation are a human right! - Unterschriftaktion

Water is a public good, not a commodity. We invite the European Commission to propose legislation implementing the human right to water and sanitation as recognised by the United Nations, and promoting the provision of water and sanitation as essential public services for all. The EU legislation should require governments to ensure and to provide all citizens with sufficient and clean drinking water and sanitation. We urge that:  [more...]

Dienstag, Januar 15, 2013 Rätsel um den Tod von Duncan M.

Der 23-jährige Eishockey-Profi Duncan MacPherson verschwindet beim Snowboarden auf dem Stubaier Gletscher. 14 Jahre später taucht sein Leichnam wieder auf.  [mehr...]

Hintergrund/Background - Wolfgang Rathgeber TV Journalist ist familiar with this case since many years. He was too an advisor for the features on Fifth Estate CBC.

new york times: Armstrong Admits Doping, and Says He Will Testify

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey that is scheduled for broadcast on her network on Thursday, Lance Armstrong confessed that he used performance-enhancing drugs during his cycling career, according to two people briefed on the interview, which was recorded Monday in Austin, Tex. [more...]

Sonntag, Januar 06, 2013

International Space Station: ARISS contact planned January 7, 2013 with school in France

ARISS contact planned January 7, 2013 with school in France
An International Space Station school contact has been planned January 7, 2013 with participants at Ecole Les Muriers,Saint-Maur-Des-Fosses, France. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 10:57 UTC, which is 11.57 CEWT.
The contact will be a direct operated by F6KMX/p. Interested parties in Europe are invited to listen to dowlink signals on 145.800 MHz FM.
Saint-Maur-des-Fosses is a small city (77,000 inhabitants) located at about 15 km South-East of PARIS, separated from the capital by the large Vincennes Forest, and located on the top of a loop formed by the river Marne.
The name of the city is inspired from the Chateau of Saint-Maur, which was frequently visited by the queen Marie de Medicis in the 16th Century.
The school Les Muriers is educating about 500 children in 17 classrooms. The pupils are aged from 8 to 11 and they prepare for their access to Middle school. The children of a classroom of 22 (CM2/ 5th grade) have worked with their teacher on a dream project : a direct contact, via ham radio, with an astronaut aboard the ISS.
This year the children are studying life in space and understanding the Space Station. They are participating to science and ham-radio activities organized by the Radio-club of St-Maur (F6KMX). [more...]

Samstag, Dezember 22, 2012

new york times: An Accidental Comedian of the People (Cindy aus Mahrzahn)

WHEN a career counselor in the East German town of Luckenwalde asked Ilka Bessin what she wanted to be when she grew up, the teenager answered that she had always wanted to be a clown. “Cook” was also a creative job, the counselor suggested, and a lot more realistic. [mehr...]