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Posts mit dem Label sexual harassment werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Mittwoch, Januar 06, 2016

the new observer: Media Conspiracy over Cologne Mass Sex Attack

The mass sex attacks carried out by nonwhite refugee-invaders in Cologne, Hamburg, and Stuttgart have definitively exposed the manner in which the controlled media attempts to manipulate news—and how the advent of the Internet and social media has completely undermined their previous control over information flows. [more...]

new york times: Cologne Mayor’s ‘Arm’s Length’ Sex Assault Advice Stirs Outcry

Outside the main train station in Cologne, Germany, on New Year's Eve. The police say they have received more than 90 complaints of robbery and sexual assault, including two accounts of rape, involving groups of men who surrounded young women in the crush of revelers. [more...]

mail online: Groped between the legs and a firework thrown into a hoodie: Victims reveal horrifying details after attacks by Cologne 'African and Arab' sex mob as police say they are gang of distraction

*Two more Cologne victims describe being sexually assaulted and attacked
*One, Jenny, suffered severe burns when a firework was shoved in her hood
*Similar attacks also occurred on New Year's Eve in Hamburg and Stuttgart
*Police have admitted they fear it was part of a known criminal enterprise
*Fear it was a professional gang who sexually assault women as distraction
*Cologne town centre has been called a 'no-go area' by its own city council
*There are now fears the upcoming carnival will be scene of similar assaults [more...]

the guardian: Cologne attacks: mayor lambasted for telling women to keep men at arm's length

Henriette Reker urges women to avoid being in close proximity to strangers to prevent sexual harassment [more...]

Montag, Januar 04, 2016

sueddeutsche: Übergriffe auf Frauen: "Eine völlig neue Dimension der Gewalt"

In Köln hat es in der Silvesternacht zahlreiche Übergriffe auf Frauen gegeben.
Die Gewerkschaft der Polizei spricht von stark alkoholisierten Tätern, die "völlig enthemmt gewaltvoll" vorgegangen seien.Am Sonntag wurden fünf Männer festgenommen. [mehr...]