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Posts mit dem Label UK werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, Februar 22, 2016

the guardian: David Cameron ridicules Boris Johnson's second EU referendum idea

David Cameron has delivered a strong putdown to Boris Johnson’s suggestion that he would campaign to leave the EU in the hope of subsequently negotiating a better deal with Brussels. [more...]

Donnerstag, Januar 21, 2016 Cameron sieht Litwinenko-Mord "vom Staat unterstützt"

Im Kreml hält man die Vorwürfe gegen Putin für einen Witz, in Großbritannien erhöht die Regierung den Druck: Der Tod des KGB-Agenten müsse vollständig aufgeklärt werden. [mehr...] UK Litvinenko death probe: Putin 'probably involved'

A British public inquiry into the death of Aleksandr Litvinenko, who died from radioactive poisoning in 2006, has accused senior Russian officials of "probably" having motives to approve the murder. [more...]

the guardian: Alexander Litvinenko murder: UK freezes assets of chief suspects – as it happened

The Russian embassy has posted this account of what ambassador Alexander Yakovenko told the foreign office during the meeting he was summoned to today: [more...]

Donnerstag, November 12, 2015

the guardian: Suspects held across Europe in alleged plot to kidnap Norwegian diplomats

UK’s north-east counter-terrorism unit confirms four men have been arrested in Britain, while six people have been held in Italy and three in Norway [mehr...]

Sonntag, Juli 26, 2015

spiegel online: Geplante BBC-Reform: Schockdiät für die alte Tante

Die Regierung von David Cameron will die BBC umfassend reformieren. Das heißt vor allem: verkleinern. Es geht ums Geldsparen - aber auch um den Kampf gegen unliebsame Kritiker. [mehr,,,]

Donnerstag, Juli 02, 2015

business insider: David Cameron is going to try and ban encryption in Britain

David Cameron has signalled that he intends to ban strong encryption — putting the British government on a collision course with some of the biggest tech companies in the world. [mehr...]

Donnerstag, Januar 29, 2015

daily mail: RAF jets intercept Russian planes

Russian military planes flying close to UK airspace "caused disruption to civil aviation" yesterday, the Foreign Office said.RAF Typhoons were scrambled to escort the Russian jets "throughout the time they were in the UK area of interest", a spokeswoman said. [more...]

spiegel online video
spiegel online: Botschafter einbestellt: Russische Flugzeuge stören Flugverkehr über Großbritannien

Donnerstag, Mai 23, 2013

bbc: BBC poll: Germany most popular country in the world

Germany is the most positively viewed nation in the world in this year's annual Country Ratings Poll for the BBC World Service. [more...]

Dienstag, Juni 19, 2012

Daily Mail: With Hollande set to tax and spend, Cameron invites wealthy French to settle in London

A Socialist victory in France’s parliamentary elections means the country will now try to tax and spend its way out of trouble, putting it on collision course with Germany.
But as France prepared to ramp the top rate of tax up to 75 per cent to pay for increased public spending, David Cameron made an extraordinary promise to welcome wealthy firms and individuals who want to move to the UK. [mehr...]

Donnerstag, Januar 12, 2012

The Telegraph: Immigation does keep Britons out of jobs, government committee admits

Immigration meant 160,000 British workers missed out on jobs in the last five years, the Government’s migration expert revealed. [more...]

Dienstag, Dezember 13, 2011

new york times: European Commission Chief Assails Britain Over Treaty Veto

LONDON — A senior European official blamed Britain directly on Tuesday for making compromise impossible at a summit meeting last week when Prime Minister David Cameron vetoed European Uniontreaty changes designed to help save the euro currency. In Parliament on Monday, Mr. Cameron said he had acted to protect Britain’s interests and, contrary to criticism, had not consigned the country to the sidelines of Europe. [more...]

Spiegel Online: Mister No lässt sich feiern

David Camerons Anti-EU-Kurs spaltet die Briten. Die Euro-Skeptiker seiner Partei jubeln, auch die Wähler stehen mehrheitlich hinter dem Premier. Doch im Parlament wird der Konservative für sein Nein in Brüssel scharf attackiert - tatsächlich dürfte es mit der Feierlaune bald vorbei sein. [mehr...]

Mittwoch, November 30, 2011

Tagesanzeiger: «Das Schuldenproblem ist grösser, als wir angenommen haben»

Die Wirtschaft stagniert, die Arbeitslosigkeit wächst, die Inflation beginnt zu schmerzen: Der Sparkurs der britischen Regierung ist gescheitert. [mehr...]