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Posts mit dem Label Science werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, November 06, 2011

ARD/WDR Kopfball: Wie hoch kann ein mit Helium gefüllter Ballon steigen?

Auf der Kirmes gibt es sie in allen erdenklichen Farben und Formen: Heliumballons. Doch leider verliert man die fliegenden Ballons auf ihrem Weg gen Himmel schnell aus den Augen. Im Kopfall-Prominenten-Special stellt Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen die Frage: Wie hoch kann ein mit Helium gefüllter Ballon eigentlich aufsteigen? [mehr...]

Projekt Des Ortsverbandes Schwarzwälder Hochwald DL0WR

Mission to Sky - Projekt der Eichenlaubschule Weiskirchen mit dem Arbeitskreis Amateurfunk und Telekommunikation in der Schule AATiS und DARC

Mittwoch, September 21, 2011

PNAS: Excess mortality in Europe following a future Laki-style Icelandic eruption

Historical records show that the A.D. 1783–1784 Laki eruption in Iceland caused severe environmental stress and posed a health hazard far beyond the borders of Iceland. Given the reasonable likelihood of such an event recurring, it is important to assess the scale on which a future eruption could impact society. [more...]

Dienstag, Juli 19, 2011

20minuten: Wenn hübsche Gesichter zu Fratzen werden

This will freak you out! These faces have not been altered in any way. It's a new scientific finding called the "Flashed Face Distortion Effect". Keep your eyes on the cross! (Schauen sie auf das Kreuz!)

 Zufällig machte ein Student an der Universität von Queensland eine gruselige Entdeckung. Jetzt sorgt der «Hässlichkeits-Effekt» bei YouTube für Aufsehen. [mehr...]

Dienstag, Juni 28, 2011

Michael Hartl: The Tau Manifesto

Welcome to The Tau Manifesto. This manifesto is dedicated to one of the most important numbers in mathematics, perhaps the most important: the circle constant relating the circumference of a circle to its linear dimension. For millennia, the circle has been considered the most perfect of shapes, and the circle constant captures the geometry of the circle in a single number. Of course, the traditional choice of circle constant is π—but, as mathematician Bob Palais notes in his delightful article “π Is Wrong!”,1 π is wrong. It’s time to set things right. [more...]

Caesar: Weibliches Sexualhormon steuert menschliche Spermien

Progesteron aktiviert Kalzium-Kanäle und steuert so die Schwimmbahn des Spermiums
In manchen Beziehungen gibt der Mann die Richtung vor. Auf zellulärer Ebene, wenn sich Eizelle und Spermium begegnen, hält dagegen die Frau alle Fäden in der Hand. [mehr...]

Mittwoch, Juni 08, 2011

Spiegel Online: Sonnensturm könnte GPS-Empfang stören

Ein spektakuläre Eruption in 150 Millionen Kilometer Entfernung: Ein heftiger Sonnensturm könnte spürbare Auswirkungen auf die Erde haben. Laut Nasa-Experten könnten am Mittwoch und Donnerstag GPS-Empfang und Stromversorgung gestört werden, womöglich müssen auch Flüge umgeleitet werden. [mehr...]

Donnerstag, Januar 20, 2011

Mailonline: Best friends forever: It's all in our genes, say scientists

ou share the same sense of humour and like the same music but you may be even closer than you realise. Friendship is in our genes, scientists believe, with members of a group of pals sharing the some of same DNA.In other cases, friends have very different versions of the same gene, suggesting opposites do attract. [more...]

Montag, November 22, 2010

PC-WORLD: Wi-Fi Makes Trees Sick, Study Says

Radiation from Wi-Fi networks is harmful to trees, causing significant variations in growth, as well as bleeding and fissures in the bark, according to a recent study in the Netherlands.Radiation from Wi-Fi networks is harmful to trees, causing significant variations in growth, as well as bleeding and fissures in the bark, according to a recent study in the Netherlands. [mehr...]

Mittwoch, August 11, 2010

Wired: Russian Heat, Asian Floods May Be Linked

Russia’s killer heat wave and monster South Asian monsoon floods could be more than isolated examples of extreme weather. Though separated by a continent, they could be linked. Monsoon rains drive air upward, and that air has to come down somewhere. It usually comes down over the Mediterranean, producing the region’s hot, dry climate. This year, some of that air seems to have gone north to Russia. [more...]

Wired: Google Helps Find Simplest Solution to Rubik’s Cube

No matter how mixed-up it is, the Rubik’s Cube can be solved in 20 moves or fewer, say a team of researchers who used computer time donated by Google to run complex algorithms to prove it.That means all the 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 positions of the Cube require no more than 20 steps to get the Cube in shape. [more...]

Dienstag, Juni 22, 2010

Rheinischer Merkur: Psychotricks mit Vuvuzela

Wenn Neurologen, Mathematiker oder Ökonomen rund um den Fußball forschen, liefert das überraschende wie skurrile Erkenntnisse: Die WM macht Menschen reicher und schwerer, während ein Spiel tatsächlich nur 55 Minuten dauert. [mehr...]

ORF Science

Donnerstag, März 25, 2010

NASA: Solar Cycle Prediction - Sonnen Zyklus Vorhersage

A solar flare observed in Dec. 2006 by NOAA's GOES-13 satellite

May 29, 2009: An international panel of experts led by NOAA and sponsored by NASA has released a new prediction for the next solar cycle. Solar Cycle 24 will peak, they say, in May 2013 with a below-average number of sunspots.

"If our prediction is correct, Solar Cycle 24 will have a peak sunspot number of 90, the lowest of any cycle since 1928 when Solar Cycle 16 peaked at 78," says panel chairman Doug Biesecker of the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center.

 "Even a below-average cycle is capable of producing severe space weather," points out Biesecker. "The great geomagnetic storm of 1859, for instance, occurred during a solar cycle of about the same size we’re predicting for 2013."  more...