Posts mit dem Label Julian Assange werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Julian Assange werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, Mai 13, 2019

guardian: Sweden reopens rape case against Julian Assange

Swedish prosecutors are to reopen an investigation into a rape allegation against Julian Assange. The deputy director of public prosecutions, Eva-Marie Persson, announced the decision at a press conference on Monday, saying: “I have today taken the decision to reopen the preliminary investigation.” [more...]

Sonntag, April 14, 2019

Samstag, April 13, 2019

nytimes: As Ecuador Harbored Assange, It Was Subjected to Threats and Leaks

The secrets came directly from the phones of President Lenín Moreno of Ecuador: intimate pictures of him and his family on vacation, text messages from his wife, even a photograph of the president himself in a posh bedroom, eating a lobster in bed. [more...]

faz: Aktivist, Journalist, Hochverräter?

Seit Julian Assanges Festnahme ist in den Vereinigten Staaten die Diskussion über die Grenzen der Pressefreiheit neu entbrannt. Donald Trumps Haltung in der Sache ist eindeutig uneindeutig. [mehr...]

sueddeutsche: Wohin mit Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange?

Wenn es nach dem Willen von mehr als 70 britischen Unterhausabgeordneten geht, dann soll Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange an Schweden ausgeliefert [mehr...]

Donnerstag, April 11, 2019

guardian: Julian Assange 'further arrested' on behalf of the US after extradition request, police say – live updates

Assange arrested following the withdrawal of asylum by the Ecuadorian government [more...]

faz: Wikileaks-Gründer Assange in London verhaftet

Die britische Polizei verhaftet Julian Assange in der Botschaft Ecuadors in London – dort hat man ihm bislang politisches Asyl gewährt. Für den Wikileaks-Gründer liegt ein Auslieferungsersuchen aus den Vereinigten Staaten vor. [mehr...]

Freitag, Januar 12, 2018

Freitag, Mai 19, 2017

sueddeutsche: Schweden stellt Verfahren gegen Assange ein

Die schwedische Staatsanwaltschaft stellt die Ermittlungen gegen Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange wegen des Vorwurfs der Vergewaltigung ein. [mehr...]

Mittwoch, Januar 04, 2017

guardian: Republicans voice disdain after Trump tweets support for Julian Assange

The president-elect’s tweets approvingly repeated WikiLeaks founder’s claim that the Russian state was not the source of the hacked emails from the DNC [more...]

nytimes: Trump Appears to Side With Assange Over Intelligence Agencies’ Conclusions

President-elect Donald J. Trump appears to side with the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange over United States intelligence agencies, with Vice President-elect Mike Pence backing him up. [more...]

Montag, Juni 13, 2016

the guardian: WikiLeaks to publish more Hillary Clinton emails - Julian Assange

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has said his organisation is preparing to publish more emails Hillary Clinton sent and received while US secretaryof  state.[more...]

Donnerstag, Februar 04, 2016

the guardian: Julian Assange is in arbitrary detention, UN panel finds

A United Nations panel has decided that Julian Assange’s three-and-a-half years in the Ecuadorian embassy amount to “arbitrary detention”, leading his lawyers to call for the Swedish extradition request to be dropped immediately. [more...]

Samstag, Januar 16, 2016

the guardian: Julian Assange to be questioned by Swedish prosecutors in London

The Ecuadorean foreign minister said a request to interrogate the WikiLeaks founder would be accepted as long as Ecuador’s law was respected [more...]

Freitag, April 17, 2015

the guardian: Julian Assange to be questioned by Swedish prosecutors in London

Lawyers for Wikileaks founder welcome prosecutor’s decision to interview Assange at Ecuadorian embassy in bid to break deadlock [mehr...]

Montag, August 18, 2014

Montag, Juli 22, 2013

zeit online: Große und kleine Geheimnisdiebe

Edward Snowden ist ohne das Vorbild Julian Assange kaum denkbar. In seinem Filmporträt "We Steal Secrets" offenbart Alex Gibney unbekanntes Material. [mehr...]

Mittwoch, Oktober 10, 2012

Frankfurter Rundschau: Lady Gaga trifft Julian Assange

Popdiva Lady Gaga hat Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange in seinem Asyl in der ecuadorianischen Botschaft in London besucht und mit ihm zu Abend gegessen. [mehr...]

Donnerstag, September 27, 2012 Assange to UN: 'It is time for the US to cease its persecution of WikiLeaks (Video)

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has called on the United States to move from words to actions, and put an end to its persecution of WikiLeaks, its people and its sources. He made the statement during an address to a panel of UN delegates. [more...]

Mittwoch, August 22, 2012

welt online: Ecuadors Vizepräsident plant Besuch bei Assange

Ecuador hat die britische Regierung im Fall Julian Assange erneut zu Gesprächen aufgefordert. Andernfalls könne der Wikileaks-Gründer unbefristet in der Londoner Botschaft bleiben. [mehr...]