Posts mit dem Label Edward Snowden werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Edward Snowden werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, August 12, 2013

Lavabit Statement

have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit. After significant soul searching, I have decided to suspend operations. [more...]

Mittwoch, Juli 31, 2013

guardian: XKeyscore presentation from 2008

Training materials for the XKeyscore program detail how analysts can use it and other systems to mine enormous agency databases and develop intelligence from the web [more...]

Montag, Juli 22, 2013

zeit online: Große und kleine Geheimnisdiebe

Edward Snowden ist ohne das Vorbild Julian Assange kaum denkbar. In seinem Filmporträt "We Steal Secrets" offenbart Alex Gibney unbekanntes Material. [mehr...]

Freitag, Juli 12, 2013

sueddeutsche: Der Coup des Gejagten

"Hallo, mein Name ist Ed Snowden": Bei einem Treffen mit Menschenrechtlern auf dem Moskauer Flughafen Scheremetjewo wirft der Whistleblower den USA vor, Gesetze zu brechen, um ihn zu fassen. [mehr...]

Daniel Ellsberg's: Edward Snowden: Saving Us from the United Stasi of America

In my estimation, there has not been in American history a more important leak than Edward Snowden’s release of NSA material – and that definitely includes the Pentagon Papers 40 years ago. Snowden’s whistleblowing gives us the possibility to roll back a key part of what has amounted to an “executive coup” against the US constitution. [more...]

guardian: Daniel Ellsberg: Edward Snowden: saving us from the United Stasi of America

wikipedia: Daniel Ellsberg

new york times Snowden Is Said to Renew Plea for Asylum in Russia

Edward J. Snowden, the fugitive American intelligence contractor, met with representatives of international human rights organizations at his temporary Moscow airport refuge on Friday afternoon and appealed for their help in seeking asylum status in Russia until he can safely travel to Latin America. [more...]

wikleaks: Statement by Edward Snowden to human rights groups at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport

Edward Joseph Snowden delivered a statement to human rights organizations and individuals at Sheremetyevo airport at 5pm Moscow time today, Friday 12th July. The meeting lasted 45 minutes. The human rights organizations included Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch and were given the opportunity afterwards to ask Mr Snowden questions. [more...]

rt: Snowden wants asylum in Russia, ready to meet condition not to damage US

NSA leaker & former CIA employee Edward Snowden has asked for political asylum in Russia, saying he could not fly to Latin America, according to Human Rights Watch representative who met the whistleblower. [more...]

guardian: Edward Snowden to meet Amnesty and Human Rights Watch at Moscow airport – live coverage

NSA whistleblower to meet human rights groups at Sheremetyevo airport to discuss his next steps forward as he claims US is illegally denying his right to seek asylum [more...]

Mittwoch, Juli 10, 2013

times: Snowden in Moscow: What Russian Authorities Might Be Doing With the NSA Whistle-Blower

Former Russian security officials and spies suspect NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is being kept in a Russian safehouse outside Moscow and will struggle to escape his Russian handlers without sharing his secrets. [more...]

Dienstag, Juli 09, 2013

spiegel online: Überwachung: Wer hat uns verraten? Metadaten!

Vorratsdaten, Mindestdaten, Metadaten: Was ist schon dabei, wenn Behörden wissen, mit wem wir telefonieren, chatten, mailen? Der analytische Blick auf unsere Kommunikation verrät mehr, als wir ahnen. Das kann man selbst ausprobieren. [mehr...]

Dienstag, Juli 02, 2013

spiegel online: SpOnionPi: So bauen Sie sich eine Internet-Tarnkappe

Die Firma Adafruit bietet einen Router mit Anonymisierungs-Software an, mit dem man sich der Überwachung im Internet weitgehend entziehen kann. Die SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Variante funktioniert sogar ausschließlich per W-Lan - wir verraten Ihnen, wie man den SpONionPi zusammenbaut. [mehr...]

Sonntag, Juni 23, 2013

guardian: Edward Snowden seeks asylum in Ecuador amid diplomatic storm

Whistleblower escapes from Hong Kong to Moscow on a commercial flight despite a formal US extradition request [more...]

guardian: Edward Snowden 'arrives in Moscow'

NSA whistleblower lands in Russia after Hong Kong allows him to leave, with WikiLeaks saying it is providing assistance [more...]

Montag, Juni 17, 2013