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Posts mit dem Label Syria werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Dienstag, November 24, 2015 Russian warplane shot down at Syria-Turkey border

A Russian warplane has gone down near the Turkish-Syrian border after an apparent attack. Turkish and Russian sources have given conflicting reports about the incident, which has the potential to escalate the tension between Russia and NATO member Turkey. [more...] Von Rowdys und anderen Piloten

Nach dem Abschuss des russischen Kampfflugzeugs schiebt Putin die alleinige Verantwortung Ankara zu. Die Nato hat andere Erkenntnisse und ruft zu „Ruhe und Deeskalation auf“. [mehr...]

the guardian: Nato and UN seek calm over Turkish downing of Russian jet

Vladimir Putin claims incident was ‘a stab in the back’ while Recep Tayyip Erdoğan says ‘everyone should respect the right of Turkey to defend its borders’ [more...]

the guardian: Russian fighter jet downed near Turkey-Syria border – live updates

Mittwoch, November 11, 2015

the guardian: A perilous journey: Khalid's flight to Europe from Syria - an illustrated account

This is the story of a Syrian who fled war and escaped to Europe. The piece is the first of a three-part series that depict torture, incarceration and other hardships endured by three men while in Syria and on their journeys to Europe. The second and third will appear tomorrow and Friday [more...]

Samstag, Oktober 24, 2015

Mittwoch, Oktober 21, 2015

niemann lab: This portable FM transmitter brings information to people in crisis

Half the population of Syria has been displaced. Hundreds of thousands have died in the conflict and millions are fleeing. For those who remain in the country, critical infrastructure is unstable and might be under the control of warring factions at a given moment. The Internet is constantly interrupted. Cell phone coverage can be spotty. [more...]

Donnerstag, September 24, 2015

Kampf gegen IS-Miliz: Syrische Luftwaffe setzt offenbar russische Jets ein

Im Kampf gegen den IS setzt das syrische Regime nun offenbar russische Kampfjets ein. Die Maschinen sollen erst vergangene Woche nach Syrien verlegt worden sein. [mehr...]

Samstag, September 19, 2015

newyork times: U.S. Agrees to Begin Military Talks With Russia on Syria

Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday that the United States was prepared to engage in military-to-military talks with Russia concerning Syria, even as Russia continued its military buildup there by deploying fighter jets. [more...]

Freitag, Januar 16, 2015

CBC: 3 ISIS recruits from Edmonton believed killed

Three Edmonton cousins have died while fighting overseas for ISIS, says the father of one of the men. Ahmed Hirsi says his 20-year-old son, Mahad, was killed last fall along with cousins Hamsa and Hersi Kariye. Another cousin from Minnesota, Hanad Abdullahi Mohallim, was also killed, Hirsi said. Other family members deny the men died while fighting for ISIS, but Hirsi insists it's true. He said his son and two nephews left Edmonton without telling him in October 2013. [more...]

Samstag, Mai 03, 2014 Islamisten kreuzigen Rebellen in Syrien

Islamisten haben in der nordöstlichen syrischen Stadt Ar-Raqqa sieben Rebellen getötet und zwei der Männer gekreuzigt zur Schau gestellt. [mehr...]

Sonntag, Oktober 20, 2013

spiegel online: Verfassungsschutz-Geheimbericht: 200 Islamisten aus Deutschland ziehen in syrischen Krieg

Für sie ist es ein Heiliger Krieg: Rund 200 Islamisten aus Deutschland befinden sich in Syrien oder auf dem Weg dorthin. Das geht nach SPIEGEL-Informationen aus einem Geheimbericht des Verfassungsschutzes hervor. Im Norden des Landes haben die Rebellen ein "German Camp" errichtet. [mehr...]

Donnerstag, September 05, 2013

new york times: Divided Senate Panel Approves Resolution on Syria Strike

A divided Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday approved an authorization of force against the Syrian government, setting up a showdown next week in the full Senate on whether President Obama should have the authority to strike. [more...]

Mittwoch, September 04, 2013

new york times: House Speaker Backs Obama’s Call for Strike Against Syria

Speaker John A. Boehner said on Tuesday that he would “support the president’s call to action” in Syria after meeting with President Obama, giving the president a crucial ally in the quest for votes in the House. [more...]

Samstag, August 31, 2013

new york times: U.S. Assessment of Syrian Use of Chemical Weapons

The United States Government assesses with high confidence that the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburbs on August 21, 2013,” said a declassified report released by the White House on Friday. [more...]

new york times: Obama and Kerry Press Case for U.S. Action in Syria

Jabbing his finger at the lectern, his voice forceful, his words brimming with indignation, John Kerry laid out the case like the prosecutor he once was, making a closing argument to a skeptical jury. [more...]

spiegel online: Syrien-Intervention: Amerikas Stunde der Wahrheit

Die USA haben einen Geheimdienstbericht als Beweis für einen Giftgaseinsatz der syrischen Regierung vorgelegt. Darin ist von mindestens 1429 Toten die Rede. Für US-Präsident Obama gibt es nun kaum mehr einen Weg zurück: Ein Militärschlag scheint sicher. [more...]

Montag, August 26, 2013

spiegel online: Außenminister John Kerry: USA sind von Giftgaseinsatz in Syrien überzeugt

US-Außenminister John Kerry will Beweise für den Giftgas-Einsatz in Syrien haben. In einer scharfen Rede warf er dem Regime von Präsident Baschar al-Assad vor, Belege zu vernichten. Er kündigte an, bald neue Informationen über das Verbrechen vorzulegen. [mehr...]